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sacred restoration: a collective healing mini retreat


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sacred restoration: a collective healing mini retreat

  • Embodied Chiropractic 226 Russell Street Hadley, MA, 01035 United States (map)

As we continue to be in Summer there is a potent energy of growth, vitality and health available. The sun offers longer days to be interacting with others and engaging in the world. When we are not able to access that sense of life force and vibrancy, choosing into healing spaces can be a powerful catalyst to break out stagnancy and generate aliveness within our being. 

Finding pockets of deep restoration is a way to honor our body and create the space and capacity for more flow to emerge. If you desire to have more energy and vibrancy, connect more to the aliveness and life force within you, this experience is for you. 

When two or more bodies come together in service of a shared intention of healing, there is a powerful amplification of health and reorganization that is felt within our individual system/body and in the wider collective as a whole.

Join Sara and a small group of participants in August for a restorative and gentle collective healing experience to do just that!

Sunday August 18th

Embodied Chiropractic in Hadley MA

4:00-6:30 pm

This is a chance to sync with your body’s organic intelligence and create space for your healing potentials to emerge. 

This retreat includes time MELTing with the MELT rollers and balls (more info about MELT below), hands-on nervous system and fluid system support from Sara for full body release, recalibration and healing, and a guided visualization for deep rest. 

Space is limited (5 spots available)

Exchange $155

The Power of Healing in a Group Space:

When two or more bodies come together in service of a shared intention, there is a powerful amplification of health and healing that is possible. 

As mammals we are designed to thrive in connection with each other. Our hyper individualized society will tell us we can go at it alone, but in fact, we need each other.

There is an intricate interplay that happens between our body/energy/nervous system/brain/hormones/emotions in a group space. 

Our body creates a toroidal field (or a torus) which is an electromagnetic field that extends out beyond the physical body. The toroidal field is shaped like a donut with energy flowing both outward from the center and inward towards the center. Toroidal fields of living organisms interact with each other and with the broader electromagnetic environment. This interconnectedness energetically links to our surroundings and to other living beings. 

When we come together in a group with a shared intention of activating health and healing, the energy of the shared intention starts to affect the different layers of each person in the space- (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, energetic and genetic), and encourages reorganization within our systems.  

By each of us focusing on our own individual body/energy and healing process it creates a resonance within the group experience, which allows for a powerful attunement to health and wellness that the body can sync with. 

What to expect:

4:00-4:15pm Arrival and settling in

4:15-5:15pm MELT Method Guided Experience and Circle with Sara 

Working with the MELT soft foam roller and MELT hand and foot balls, you will be led through a series of MELT Method moves to prepare your body and mind for an optimum healing experience. Release stuckness and rigidity in your body, rehydrate your connective tissue, help your body rebalance at the nervous system level and feel more fluidity before we drop into our hands-on-healing support.  

5:15-6:20 pm Receive hands-on somatic support and a quantum healing and energetic process through Sara’s Signature Somasynthesis Healing Approach. Sara will be supporting your individual Body and Being to receive exactly what is needed for your highest healing and fullest expression of embodiment, along with holding space for the group’s energetic process. Receive deep states of relaxation and healing across all layers of being.

6:20-6:30 Closing circle together for integration.

What is The MELT Method?

The MELT Method is science backed self care--a simple gentle self-treatment technique that boosts your body’s ability to heal by calming your nervous system and rehydrating your connective tissue.

It uses large soft foam rollers and small rubber balls to return the body to a more ideal state and release dehydrated connective tissue, otherwise known as "stuck stress,” which causes pain, nervous system dysregulation and other health issues.

Learn more here:

What is The Somasynthesis Approach with Sara?

Cocreating with the quantum field, her guides and the intelligence of your Body and Being, working with Sara supports your entire system to access the infinite potential available within us and around us. Depending on what is needed, Sara will support you (hands on and energetically) to let go of what is no longer required on all layers of being (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, energetic and genetic), liberate and dispel invasions or entities within your body and energy field, activate your healing potentials and amplify your essence and divinity.

Our body is designed to come into an organization and self heal. We all carry a “blueprint” of health and wellbeing within us. It’s our original pattern of pure health, wholeness and deep inner knowing. This organic intelligence and original state of our organism is a unifying field we can return to. When the whole body feels supported and held, it is able to sense and access the deep current of health within our system. We can learn how to plug into this flow, and allow healing to emerge throughout our whole body/being. 

Sara’s approach is a synthesis of modalities and her energetic gifts including, Somatic Experiencing, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, The LaChirara Method, The MELT Method and Psychosynthesis. 

What is Collective Healing?

When we focus on our individual healing journey, it greatly impacts all those we come into contact with and more, from our immediate family members to the clerk we interact with at the store, to our co-workers, to our ancestral line. When we prioritize our own journey, it has a beautiful ripple effect on all other aspects and people in our lives. 

Like the vibrations that are created at one end of the spider web when something touches down, the whole web is affected  -when we choose wellness and health for ourselves, the greater collective is altered. 

We are made of energy and everything is constantly moving and projecting outwards. When we take time to shift our own internal energy and frequency, it vibrates out to those around us and we literally change the environment around us. 

There is a lot of potent research that is available measuring all aspects of the effect we individually have on the collective at various biological levels ( heart frequency, brain to brain synchronization, biofeedback, etc)

Please bring water, a yoga mat, pillows, blankets and anything else that your body needs to feel comforatbale and supported lying down on the floor.

Reach out to Sara at with any questions.