Recalibrate Session
a 1-1 somatic and energetic integration and replenishment experience
Move through life saturated in your own frequency
Have you been looking for someone who holds the kind of epic space that you do so that you can drop into a somatic and energetic integration process?
Have you seen rapid growth and expansion and want to recalibrate and strengthen your new baseline throughout all the layers of your Body and Being?
Are you feeling stuck in habituated patterns of thoughts, behavior and/or movement?
Are you looking for potent space to heal from a trauma, accident, injury or upsetting experience?
Do you desire a portal back to your purest, most radiant essence, so that you may amplify your magick?
introducing recalibrate:
a 1:1 somatic, energetic and intuitive session to support your system to release, rebalance and recalibrate across all your planes of existence (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, energetic and genetic).
This experience is a gateway into a Restorative Realm for your Being and your Body.
Tap into your innate regulation potentials in your body and toroidal field, open up to the hidden realms of support, coherence and nourishment around you, and provide space for your system to be in a supported full somatic and energetic integration process.
As leaders in a world struggling to identify truth, it is essential we make choices from a coherent, aligned place.
We need to be able to hold multidimensional layers of perspective and orient to our own coherent BEING as our compass for direction and discernment - especially as we run our businesses, interact with our clients, colleagues, friends and family, navigate the collective consciousness and engage with others' energies.
We continue to be in a pivotal transition period as a collective in the middle of intense accelerated growth.
Our bodies and systems need support during this quantum period of change to expand our capacity to hold the complexities of it all.
When we are making quantum leaps in our lives and business, navigating the complexities of the human experience, holding transformative space for others and opening up to the wealth of magick, abundance and synchronicities that call to us, we need our own portals back to our purest, most radiant essence. Our bodies and energy need permission, space and time to digest and integrate, so that they can line up with where our mindset, intuition, and imagination has jumped.
In order to go within and hear the higher whispers, access and activate your healing potentials, tap into multidimensional frequencies, to hear your desires, your longings, connect with and differentiate between your guides and energies, a return back to a baseline of our own pure frequency is required.
A Recalibrate session provides a supported space for your nervous system to unwind and integrate all the residue that may be present in your body nd energy field, so you can move forward saturated in your potent coherent essence.
about your guide:
Hi, I’m Sara and I am an Activatrix for your potential and possibility.
As a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Multidimensional Healer and Intuitive Channel I am passionate about supporting potent spaceholders and leaders in 1-1 somatic, energetic and intuitive containers. Blending my years of studying various modalities with my energetic gifts and medicine, I work with humans so that their physical and energetic bodies can more easefully digest and integrate the rapid change, growth and expansion that is unfolding within ourselves, our containers, our families and on the planet.
I created Recalibrate because as an unschooling/homeschooling mom, wife and business owner who LOVES to be in deep exploration of Self, Spirit, the Collective, and the Mystery, I understand how ESSENTIAL it is to create the SPACE to physically, emotionally and energetically PROCESS all that is coming through: to release, reset and rebalance all the dimensions of being a human and living in a body, a body who is consistently interacting with other energies and other bodies. I craved a sacred space to sense into and sustain the strength of my frequency and vibration with ease, expand my coherence and explore themes that have spiraled back around to be fully metabolized in my system.
I am thrilled to be able to offer this space to support your system and underlining constitution to calibrate to a new foundational generative energetic baseline and give you the opportunity to close circuits on conditioning, patterns and experiences, so that you can make choices for 2024 from a coherent and sovereign space.
Recalibrate sessions are ideal for you if you want to feel and BE centered, juicy, nourished, and clear:
-When you’re in the middle of a transition
-To support a discernment process
-For a reset and rebalance experience
-To integrate and heal from an upsetting experience (trauma, surgery, accident, injury, etc)
-To reprogram your system’s baseline frequency
-When feeling confusion, irritation or stuckness in life or business
-Right before a launch
-To kick off running a retreat or group program
-To help your system integrate after holding a container or running a program
-To support the clearing out collective energies from your group, 1-1 containers, your family
-To feel more grounded and centered when interacting with your family
-To honor, heal, and clear any ancestral energies present that are getting in the way
-Anytime, because it is your birthright to feel and sense your unique essence/vibration
how does it work?
This 90 minute experience allows you to show up fully for your self to receive an energetic and somatic rebalancing on multiple planes in order to bring in more coherence, clarity and space within your system. Working with the natural design of your physiology and the quantum and energetic structures of the universe, we will activate your innate recalibration potentials in your system.
Sessions are an intuitive co-created experience between myself and the participant. This is in service of you and what is already in your body and energy field. We will work and play with your physiology, energy, emotions, intuition, impulse/desires, imagination, voice, sensations and dance between the seen and unseen realms. Personal understanding of your own internal process, nervous system regulation, capacity levels, and emotional bandwidth is required.
You set up your space to promote the most generative environment possible for receiving and tracking your system. Are you feeling called to lie down? Sitting on the floor with pillows? Desire to start the session or end the session in the tub? Feel into the most supportive way to receive the session based on what is happening in your life and business.
A questionnaire you fill out ahead of our time together identifies the areas within your toroidal field that might need additional support and clearing attention. You show up for your session curious, open and ready to receive and observe. We open the container together connecting to our guides, the hidden realms, and the quantum and allow for the alchemy to unfold within your system to show us the magickal pathway.
Sessions are energetic transmissions from the quantum, your guides and my guides that begin when you start to play with the idea of desiring a session, through to when your session occurs. The alchemy continues to integrate well beyond our scheduled time together.
75 min Virtual 1-1 Recalibrate Session
1 week voxer/email connection M-Thurs
Exchange: $350
Who is Recalibrate for?
With all that you have shifted in your personal journey, you may still be finding your system addicted to adrenaline, urgency, fear, and/or excitement, even if you have moved through regulating these layers
Powerful Spaceholders and Leaders
Lightworkers, Practitioners and Embodiment and Trauma Informed Coaches
You are working with other humans and other bodies and energies
You are living with other bodies and energies!
You are most likely teaching nervous system regulation, self care/nourishment, mindset work of some sort, embodiment, spirituality, and/or emotional mastery to your clients and in your group spaces
You have structures, frameworks and systems in place for your internal process and self regulation
You understand the importance and magick behind having another coherent nervous system as an amplification tool for your own calibration process
You value and honor the space you carve out and reserve for yourself and your own integration process
You currently have 1-1 support or have access to 1-1 support if needed