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Building Emotional Resilience: Parenting with Presence, Patience and Choice

 building emotional resilience:

parenting with presence, patience and choice

A 6 Week Course and Supported Community Experience to Build Emotional Resilience Within Ourselves and Our Kids

Do you feel overloaded with the transition to fall schedules?

Are you constantly triggered by your children or partner’s behavior or moods? 

Do you feel stuck, overwhelmed or shut down when your children are having big feelings?

Parenting is NOT easy, especially when we are in the middle of the Fall transition! 

With changing schedules for both the grownups and kids, increased demands, and seasonal shifts it makes it challenging to have patience and to stay present and connected with those we love at home.

Right now we may find ourselves more reactive, stressed out and overloaded. We may feel more distracted or disconnected than ever before.

Our moods and energy are being constantly communicated (whether we are aware of it or not) to our children and others around us. How we are BEING matters.

When things are this challenging, sometimes we need community support and a new mirror in order to invite in different awareness and make changes.

This 6 week course is designed to help you navigate parenting and caregiving with greater presence, intention and ease, so you can show up fully for your self and your children.

Do you feel consumed by the opinions of others when it comes to thoughts on what makes a “good parent” and wonder if what you're doing is enough?

Does the anticipation of the holiday season and increased social obligations stress you out?

Do you wish you had more patience when interacting with your family?

This 6 week course will help you to:

  • feel more connected and present with your kids and your family

  • find choice in overwhelm moments

  • navigate and soothe your stress responses

  • move from reactive parenting to embodied patience

  • begin to interrupt your automatic patterns of behavior

  • have more access to higher order thinking in triggered moments to meet your kids where they’re at

  • understand emotional resilience and learn how to digest big emotions

  • navigate conflict in conversations with ease

  • learn the power of co-regulation

  • support and contain your child with care when their energy is too high or too low

  • avoid unnecessary conflicts with your children and instead support them to process inner challenges


This 6 Week Course is For:

  • Parents and caregivers who are looking for more support for their parenting and desire concrete tools and strategies to help navigate challenging moments

  • Educators, coaches, mentors and others working with youth who are interested in learning self regulation strategies

Online Course Format

  • 6 live class meetings on Sundays - 75 minutes (all classes are recorded)

  • Access to a private online community for discussion

  • Powerful reflections and practices in between sessions


Zoom Call Dates and Times

All classes are from 6:00-7:15pm EST

September 29

October 6

October 13

October 20

October 27

November 3 

course investment

Please choose the rate that works for your family!


$250 / household

This pricing tier is for folks who can cover their own cost to participate; this is our baseline rate.



We know times are tough! This pricing tier is for folks who could use support to participate.



This pricing tier is for folks who can pay it forward to help cover another family’s cost to participate.


Message from Andrea and Sara

As parents, we both intimately understand the complications and complexities of parenting. We are all juggling the realities of what is required for adulting, all while working to raise the emotionally resilient, independent humans in our care. 

We are inundated constantly with information; What is happening in the political, economic and global landscapes are stressful. It is challenging to stay present with ourselves and have patience for our families. 

AND, we are at a critical turning point on our planet. With the increase of technology and spending more time sitting and on screens, many traditions and ways we experience the world are getting lost, including being connected to and in tune with our own needs and our bodies. 

Because of this, it is essential that we are teaching our children by modeling the best we can to be patient, present, navigate big emotions, and metabolize upsetting experiences and stress. We can learn to build nervous system coherence within our family unit, which supports healthy relationships within and outside our homes.

We believe that there are core concepts and practices that we can be in exploration of together, in order to find more relief and patience in our lives. We are excited to form this community of support so you can be witnessed and supported as we navigate the parenting realms together.

About Your Guides:


Andrea Bordenca resides in Ludlow, Massachusetts with her husband Christopher Bordenca and three sons. Andrea owns a suite of businesses. Each business shares a common thread among all these businesses: culture and belonging.

Andrea works with teams and leaders, including parents. Families are a team; Andrea views a team as individuals collaborating together with a common promise. As a parent of one teenager and two adult children, Andrea knows the impact agreements, boundaries, and nervous system coherence has in raising emotionally resilient and independent humans. 

In her professional capacity, Andrea spends most of her time coaching & consulting leaders & their teams. She is a white cisgender woman who is passionate about working with others to create effective boundaries where discerning self-care & care for others becomes transparent & uncomplicated. When individuals have the capacity to fully express themselves & be present with others’ voices, we can then celebrate that we are each dimensionally different & dynamic, this is when innovation happens.


Sara Vatore is the mother of two boys (a fiery 10 year old and neuro-unique 18 year old) and lives with her husband in Belchertown MA. As a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, MELT Method Instructor, and Peak Performance Coach, she works nationally and internationally, one-on-one and in groups, with clients of all ages to guide them to reconnect to their innate biological intelligence, rewire old patterns of behavior, and move through fear and stuckness so that they may harness their potential and step forward empowered and confident in their authentic expression in the world. From youth to professional athletes, to parents juggling their life/work balance in the new paradigm, to those desiring more visibility and expansion in their work, Sara integrates diverse healing modalities to support others in expanding their capacity to negotiate life's challenges with more ease. 

Sara additionally works with coaches, leaders and educators to facilitate deeper embodiment, presence and connection within themselves, so they may tap into flow, confidence and ease in their service with others. As the Lead Faculty Director and Somatic Educator with Lead Yourself Youth, she supports parents, caregivers, educators to find more choice and patience in moments of overwhelm. She is passionate about guiding teens and emerging adults to uncover their sense of self, confidence and learn how to understand their own internal guidance system, so they make choices for themselves, the planet and the future rooted in their passions and authentic truth. To learn more about Sara and her work please visit: and
