dimensions of creating space for self — Sara Vatore

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dimensions of creating space for self

Podcast Episodes

dimensions of creating space for self

Sara Vatore

Taking space for ourselves in the world that we live in can feel like a radical choice. When we are navigating full lives and moving with all the threads of work, family, adulting, relationships, etc., it can often feel impossible to pause and create the space we need to actually recharge and sense our self separate from the roles we play and the people we spend time with. 

In this episode of Multidimensional Transmissions, I am excited to dive into the topic of finding space and creating space for our selves. We explore the importance of the physical spaces around us, the energetic spaces within and around us, and the spaces we can uncover within us. 

In my journey as a homeschooling mom, wife, and business owner, it has been essential to learn how to make the most out of small moments and spaces for my self and my expression and it has also been crucial to creating longer spaces of time for myself, in order to give my system the permission and TIME it needs to unwind so that I don’t feel as overwhelmed or feel like I’m disappearing.

Taking SPACE is essential for us to fully access and sense into our unique vibration, creativity, and genuine life force energy. And to explore:

Who am I separate from the roles I play?

Who am I BEING in the world?

What are MY needs, wants, desires, feelings, and emotions?

What is my body trying to express right now?

I need space to find myself and reconnect with my essence when I get swept up in the day-to-day.

As a mother and human with a full life, I have to intentionally prioritize taking space for myself. I have to schedule it and then guard it. I have to honor the importance of it.

When I do not, it is so easy for me to fall back into putting everyone else around me first.

This is why I am so passionate about talking about SPACE and creating spaces as an integral practice leading us to health and wellness. 

Because of this, my business is entirely devoted to creating spaces for others for healing, integration, and expansion. I create intentional and curated containers so that others can prioritize having space for themselves. 

In today’s episode we discuss: 

  • The importance of prioritizing the space that we need to thrive

  • How I prioritize space in my own life and work

  • Emotional expression and the importance of being authentic with your family

  • Big teaching moments from the universe that I have had over the last few years about space

  • How I check in with my own needs and emotions

  • How to identify when more space is needed

  • What to do when you’re feeling like you don’t have any time

  • How creating and prioritizing taking space alone allows me to be in a vibration of love with my family

  • Ways you can work with me to create more space in your life

I hope you enjoyed this episode. If you feel curious or drawn to the idea of creating more space in your life, I invite you to start looking at your days and seeing where you can fit in little moments of time that you can claim as space for yourself. 

If you’re called to explore working with me to create space for yourself, I have a few options to explore. You can learn more about my in-person Somatic Integration Sessions HERE. If you’re interested in my retreats, you can learn about those HERE. I also work one-on-one with people in a variety of ways for Somatic Coaching and Healing and you can learn more about that HERE

Thanks again for creating the space to listen to this episode of Multidimensional Transmissions. If there was something here for you that really resonated, please share this episode with the people in your world and leave a rating and review.   


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“Space is an enormous teacher of mine.” -Sara