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Dimensions of Symbols, Awe, and Wonder

Podcast Episodes

Dimensions of Symbols, Awe, and Wonder

Sara Vatore

We are surrounded by symbols—whispers from the unseen, signposts from the Mystery, synchronicities from animal visitors. They invite us to deepen into alignment, appearing in dreams, in nature, and in the most unexpected places. They spiral through our awareness, nudging us, guiding us, revealing pathways we might otherwise miss.

And yet, in a world that moves fast, how often do we pause to notice them?

Join me for this solo episode of Multidimensional Transmissions, where we explore the magick woven into our lives through seeking symbols. This year, I’m sharing a monthly oracle card pull from my annual reading, offering invitations to reconnect with our inner divinity. February’s invitation is this: Seek the Symbols.

Orienting toward these cosmic pings has been a potent activator for me—amplifying joy, deepening connection, and bringing more balance as I navigate the less-than-sparkly commitments of daily life. Instead of getting caught in the fullness of “have-tos,” I’ve been shifting into curiosity, asking: What’s showing up? What is its message?

This exploration is a portal to awe and wonder. Sensing these states of being is a healing balm, especially in moments of apathy or heaviness. Symbols can be a bridge—whether it’s a recurring rainbow, a song lyric playing at just the right time, or the golden glow of a sunset that stops you in your tracks. These moments expand us, shifting our awareness from the narrow focus of everyday concerns to something more vast, more alive—rooting us in the present, where infinite possibilities exist.

In this episode, we explore:

🌙 The power of symbols as messages and guides from the universe
🌿 How to recognize symbols in dreams, nature, and everyday life
⏳ The importance of slowing down and tuning into subtle signs and synchronicities
✨ Trusting intuition and resonance when interpreting symbols
🌌 Engaging in dialogue with the universe to uncover multidimensional layers of meaning
🔮 Cultivating awe and wonder through symbol-seeking
🌀 Shifting from problem-solving and overanalyzing to gratitude and possibility
🌊 The impact of connecting with something bigger than oneself
💭 How to embody dream symbols for deeper insight
🌐 Recognizing the collective unconscious in dream imagery
🌠 A recent dream of mine and its message for the collective

If you’ve been feeling disconnected or weighed down, this episode is an invitation to rekindle your relationship with the Mystery—one symbol, one moment of wonder at a time.

Let’s slow down enough to listen over the next few weeks and allow the symbols to lead. If you would like to learn more about 1-1 Intuitive Dreamwork Alchemy sessions, you can learn more here. 

Thanks again for creating the space to listen to this episode of Multidimensional Transmissions. If there was something here for you that really resonated, please share this episode with the people in your world and leave a rating and review.   


Learn more about Intuitive Dreamwork sessions with me

Listen to Dimensions of Crepes and Consciousness

Listen to Dimensions of Dreaming

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“ May we allow ourselves to be impacted by awe and wonder as we move through the rest of our weeks.” - Sara