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dimensions of crepes and consciousness

Podcast Episodes

dimensions of crepes and consciousness

Sara Vatore

I hope you are all having a warm and welcoming entrance into the new calendar year. 

In this episode of Multidimensional Transmissions, I chat with you about one of my favorite topics that also feels deeply steeped in connections to my Jewish ancestry for me: dreaming, dreamwork, and dreams. 

I foresee many conversations on this topic as we move forward on the podcast, but today, I have a special piece that I share with you and discuss. 

As I was reflecting on the year that unfolded in 2022 and reviewing my dream journals, I stumbled across a dream that I had at the beginning of January of 2022.  This dream mirrored a really important message for me that reverberated through last year and I feel it is also really relevant now as we move into 2023 and think about the topic of our multidimensional selves. 

Dreams and dreaming carry/carries so many layers, dimensions, perspectives, insights, information and mystery. There is no one way to think about dreaming or the dreams we have. There are infinite ways to play with, interpret, ponder, be with, etc the images and themes that come through at night. They hold individual messages for us and can mirror messages for the collective. In this episode I share this specific dream as an invitation and possible window for you to view your own multidimensional layers of Being. 

In today’s episode we discuss: 

  • Honoring your body, energy and natural rhythms 

  • The importance of pausing and reflection

  • The multidimensionality of dreams and dreaming

  • How I expanded my dream work practice

  • The collective unconscious

  • The Crepe Dream I had in January 2022 and the messages it carried for me

  • Invitations for you to play with this dream and uncover insights into your experience

What layer is next in your creative process? What aspect of self is emerging? I invite you to think about what part of you, or layer of self, is desiring attention, focus, and love. There are so many ways to play with/be with/think about this dream that I had, and if anything came up for you, please send me a message. I would love to hear how this landed for you!

If you desire a place to explore your dreamscapes, I offer one-on-one Dream Alchemy sessions. This is a sacred space for you to bring your dreams and the curious messages coming through at night so that you can have an opportunity to honor, explore and digest the insights/wisdom that is emerging. You can check out more information about these sessions here. 

Brie Wollman and I are so excited about the new 6 month group program/portal/experience we are creating for you: Whispers from Dreams: Alchemizing the Wisdom of the Night. This experience is for the dream curious, the more seasoned dreamer and everyone in-between! If you want to be connected with more information and receive updates and details you can get on the list HERE.

Thanks again for creating the space to listen to this episode of Multidimensional Transmissions. If there was something here for you that really resonated, please share this episode with the people in your world and leave a rating and review.   


Sign up to be the first to hear about the details of Sara and Brie Wollman’s new 6 month dreaming program/portal beginning in April 2023: Whispers from Dreams: Alchemizing the Wisdom of the Night. 

Learn more about Dream Alchemy sessions with Sara Here

Check out Rabbi Jill Hammer’s book: Undertorah: An Earth-Based Kabbalah of Dreams

Learn more about Wilka Roig and her offerings HERE

Learn more about how you can work with Sara

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“Dreaming, in general, is extremely multidimensional.”