This beautiful card was created by Stacey Demarco and is a part of her Queen of the Moon Oracle Deck. My thoughts below are inspired by the card, the description in her deck booklet, and also the energy and channeled message from my initial reading at the beginning of the year that came through for February.
Do you find yourself unclear about your vision or navigating any self doubt these days?
The card is asking us to deeply TRUST during this month.
In our self, in the divine and in the supports available to us in the seen and unseen realms.
Even when things are not appearing to be fruitful, this card is a reminder that the divine is always assisting our unfolding and it is all working behind the scenes.
It is time to trust our intuition with confidence and know that when we honor the messages coming through, it will lead us to where we need to be.
TRUST is one of my core foundations. A baseline I return to and calibrate with. A felt sense experience of knowing even in the not knowing. It has a particular vibration within my body and energy. Something I return to again and again as its frequency weaves into the web of my faith.
Can we each orient toward this deep knowing within our core?
In order to do this, to sense this kind of visceral TRUST in our self and in the intelligence of the universe, we need space to tap into and access our truth. To pause in the fullness and busy-ness of our responsibilities and have-tos, and turn within to sense our self.
This is not always easy to do; to slow down, to create space, to disengage from autopilot. However, the energy this month supports us to prioritize pauses and time out for our own process in order to connect with what we actually believe in.
To feel/sense the richness and depth of who we are without all the conditioning and the chatter of the mind.
To know, sense and believe that we each matter and that our BEINGNESS here on the planet, at this time, is enough.
We are enough.
The more I create space to feel into my self, my values, my beliefs and connect with my essence and vibration, the easier it is to allow my light to shine.
Our TRUST in our organic unfurling guides us forward. Just like the image on the card represents the cycle of an organism growing in an egg, we also have our own divine timing. Slowing down and taking space to sync into this natural rhythm is the key to uncovering the most easeful path to take.
This card is an invitation to embrace all the parts of our selves.
What would it feel like to be in a curious acceptance of even the most shunned and shameful parts of our selves? Can you call those aspects back to you? Every part gets to be included.
In trusting our own knowing this month, can you notice the little nudges and winks from the universe and the desires bubbling up from within?
This card reflects the support that is available to us, when we double down on our own vision and dreams and follow those threads. To know, trust and believe that when we follow what lights us up, everything weaves together powerfully.
Where are you seeing evidence of this? Where in your world are you receiving validation from the universe? What synchronicities and other messages are coming though for you to bank evidence for yourself that you can TRUST the unfolding?
This month I am devoted to TRUST:
TRUST in my self, my abilities and my self worth
TRUST in the intelligence of the universe
TRUST in divinity
TRUST in something greater moving this collective energy we are all a part of
TRUST in divine timing, an organic unfurling programmed within each of us
TRUST in our innate capacity for healing, compassion and love
TRUST in the infinite support available to us
TRUST in the fact that it is always working, even when it feels like it is not
TRUST in our unique potency and gifts
TRUST in the protection, love and support always available from my guides and well-ancestors
What is possible as you feel into the potential of TRUST this month?
XO Sara