Awakening to Multidimensionality
Awakening to Multidimensionality
Growing up I had a very concrete and black and white way of thinking and operating. There was a right way and a wrong way. I was very rigid. I didn’t really get that there was choice beyond what my parents had laid out before me. It wasn’t until I got pregnant my senior year of college and I decided to keep the baby that I discovered that I could make choices that were different than the laid out path. Here I began to see that we can hold multiple opinions and/or perspectives at once. That there wasn’t just one way to BE in and THINK about the world. That it was actually important to think for myself and how I feel gets to dictate the direction I choose.
Each aspect of my journey has expanded my scope of how to look at myself and the environment around me in the seen and unseen worlds. Here are a few examples in my life that lead me to begin seeing myself as a multidimensional Being:
Artwork by Rebecca Tolk
When I did the Somatic Experiencing training beginning in 2013 I learned that I had a BODY that had been running the show and driving my behavior out of my awareness my entire life, based on survival responses. It was trying to protect me. Here I began to see that I have a body, but I am not my body and my unconscious patterns didn’t have to drive my behavior anymore. By increasing awareness of my body in space and the internal sensations and responses I was having, I began to understand this dynamic of my system.
I started to really shift my way of thinking about myself and understanding more fully the complexities of being human when I started the Psychosynthesis training in the summer of 2016 and learned about sub-personalities, psychological functions and disidentification. I was presented with a framework to work with to view the self and all the parts. This map to the self was an extremely supportive guide to help me visualize and understand the multi-aspects of self.
Here I started to think about other things aside from “to-dos” or “shoulds” or who I am being separate from the roles I played (especially as a Mother), and began to allow myself to follow the threads that caught my attention and lit me up: beauty, color, synchronicities, animal communication, dreams, elemental magic, quantum field, coherence etc. In my growing awarenesses I started to orient communication from the hidden worlds. There was SO much to think about and experience!
When I found Nia that same year and reconnected to dance and movement, it significantly opened up a whole other portal of being in and relating with my body. Through this practice I connected deeply to the embodiment of my self and began to land more fully in my body and access other layers of energy when I danced.
When I started to study the Infinity Healing Practice in early 2019 in sessions with practitioners and taking the intro year training, my concept of energy, dimensions, time and space expanded ten fold. Working with energy differentiation, portal creations, healing, and experiencing a Being change, amplified my understanding of the multidimensional capabilities that we have as humans.
Over the last 10 years through mentorship and self study of spiritual and scientific teachers I learned about time, the quantum field and healing, consciousness, accessing our untapped capabilities, ancestral connection, Jewish magic, guide connection, working with galactic beings, dreaming and dreamwork, synchronicities, manifestation, and more. Each thread stretching and expanding my perspectives and belief about what is possible.
Artwork by Rebecca Tolk