1-1 somatic and energetic mentorship
Your coherence is your magick
Step into a 1-1 container for coaches, lightworkers and practitioners to deepen your somatic and energetic skill sets, expand your capacity to navigate your own integration and expansion process, and hold big, supportive space for your clients with confidence
Have you been making massive mindset shifts in your business, but your body is having a hard time getting on board?
Do you feel drained after holding space for your coaching sessions or after (or during!) running a workshop or program?
Do you feel like you “take on people’s energy” and it is affecting your work?
Are you interested in gaining a set of somatic and energetic tools and strategies to help ground and support clients (and yourself) in challenging moments?
As leaders in a world struggling to identify truth, it is essential we make choices from an aligned place.
We need to be able to hold multidimensional layers of perspective and orient to our own coherent BEING as our compass for direction and discernment - especially as we run our businesses, interact with our clients, colleagues, friends and family, navigate the collective consciousness and engage with others' energies.
We continue to be in a pivotal transition period as a collective in the middle of intense accelerated growth.
As a coach and/or practitioner it is essential that you are able to trust your own body and what you feel (sensations, impulses, images, intuition, feelings) so that you can differentiate what information is coming through with the clients you are working with.
We need to be able to feel into what is important while we are in session holding space for our clients, or during a speaking engagement or workshop, even if we feel triggered by the content or energy that is showing up.
The art of navigating your own layers of growth and multidimensional awareness, along with generating safe and supportive containers for clients and your team, while showing up for your family and intimate relationships takes significant capacity and intention in your system.
Especially as you are called more to be of service and share your gifts with the world. Experiencing this kind of expansion energy can be overwhelming and confusing. There can be a desire and a hesitation about being more visible. There is a flow to embracing visibility and expansion- it’s a delicate cycle of both expansion and contraction that unfolds in your physical and energetic systems.
We need you to show up in your fullest vibrant expression, so you can have the biggest impact in your communities organically, from a well spring of life force, without the burn out.
introducing expand your capacity:
1-1 somatic and energetic mentorship
A 1:1 co-created container for you to learn frameworks, tools, strategies and practices to Expand Your Capacity in your physical body and in your energy field as you navigate running your business and all other aspects of living life.
Expand Your Capacity is for you if you want to increase your ability:
To hold space for yourself and your process, your clients and your team
To receive
To celebrate
To set boundaries
To experience joy and success
To feel confident in your visibility
To navigate running a business without burnout while balancing family and outside commitments
To be in your fullest expression of all emotions
To be in your truth
To process and integrate difficult experiences/triggers that surface from interacting with other humans and running a business
To take feedback
To give feedback
To differentiate yourself from another’s energy
To hold it all
If you’re an entrepreneur who works with humans and holds space for others (AKA most of us!), then you are also welcome into the EYC Mentorship. I invite you to book a Connection Call to see if it is a fit.
about your guide:
Hi, I’m Sara and I am an Activatrix for your potential and possibility.
Early in my career I was offered large speaking and teaching opportunities that forced me to be in front of hundreds of people at a time. There was a lot of mindset and somatic work that went into generating confidence within myself. Although I knew intellectually on some level I was capable, there was a time where my body would rebel and I would feel incredibly activated (anxious, negative thinking, stressed, nauseous, tight throat, etc), which would interrupt my confidence during session work and teaching engagements.
Through learning and practicing my somatic and energetic tools and frameworks I was able to rewire my body’s resting state (baseline) and train my body and system to feel differently when I was in the spotlight or holding a coaching container. I was able to understand what was going on in my system and not feel so confused or frustrated at what was happening to my confidence. I was able to train my body to stop constantly “revving” or being “stuck on” (pumping adrenaline and cortisol) from the excitement of new offers, opportunity and expansion or worry from making a mistake.
Now I bring this experience into my work as a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Multidimensional Healer and Intuitive. Blending my years of studying various modalities with my energetic gifts and medicine, I work with humans so that their physical and energetic bodies can more easefully digest and integrate the rapid change, growth and expansion that is unfolding within ourselves, our containers, our families and on the planet. I am passionate about supporting potent spaceholders and leaders in 1-1 somatic, energetic and intuitive containers
I created this mentorship container because there have been pivotal somatic and energetic frameworks, tools and strategies that have been essential for me in my work with myself and with my clients that I feel like everyone should know in order to run their business and coaching containers with more ease and expanded capacity to hold it all. As someone who was wired and conditioned to absorb all the energy around me, along with people pleasing as my default, I know what it is like to feel drained after a work day, or feel like I was taking on other people’s energy and not understand why or how to stop. It wasn’t until I learned how to tap into and honor my own nervous system’s messages, begin to embody my unique essence, understand my body and energetic systems, discover how to differentiate myself from others, and protect and strengthen my own energy field, that I was able to be working with humans without taking on their pain and energy into my body.
who is an expand your capacity mentorship for?
This is for you if you are working with other humans and other human’s bodies and energies, specifically
Coaches, healers, lightworkers desiring to learn how to regulate their nervous system, embody their essence, and hold potent space, so that they can have the energy, motivation, and capacity to hold all the pieces of life and business
Coaches who have done a lot of mindset work, and are now looking for somatic and energetic support
Spaceholders who are feeling stuck and blocked around visibility in their business and desire to build safety within their system to step more boldly and confidently into their authenticity and truth
I know what it's like to be navigating 'all the things.’
You've bought the programs, done the certifications and shifted many beliefs and ideas within your mindset along the way. You've been "doing the work" like you keep hearing in all the online spaces and trainings, but your body responses and baseline are not aligning with how you mentally feel about yourself, your gifts and business.
You still get sucked into old patterns of shoulding on yourself to have more figured out or to feel a certain way, and end up experiencing procrastination, sense of being frozen or feeling stuckness within your body, and feeling blocked.
Or, perhaps you know exactly where you want to be heading in your business, but feel compelled to overcommit or overwork, leading to overwhelm, exhaustion and burnout as you navigate your expansion.
You sometimes get triggered in communications or sessions with clients and colleagues, but you’re not sure why or how to shift your response. You may find yourself second guessing or even doubting your intuition, or ability to do this work.
You feel exhausted after you hold space or have a busy week. Sometimes in sessions you feel like you’re forcing or efforting more than you want to be with clients.
Overall you may feel like you are taking on other people’s energies and wish you had more tools and resources to shift that pattern within your system.
I totally get it!
When I quit my “regular” job to start my own business I was saying yes to everything out of excitement (and fear) to try to make it work. Yes to the training, to the collaboration, to joining the board, to the teaching opportunity, to the podcast, etc. This only led me back to my familiar pattern of overwhelm in my system and feeling completely burned out and frustrated.
I then went through a phase of being worried and hesitant to commit to a project or say yes because I didn’t want to feel overloaded again. This hesitation and freeze prevented me from stepping into projects or sharing my gifts boldly because I spent a lot of time in confusion energy.
After running my business for the last 5 years I’ve had the opportunity to explore exactly how to navigate and flow with all the pieces (business, kids, husband, self exploration, relationships, confusion, stuckness, overwhelm, excitement and expansion, etc) and have been expanding my capacity to hold it all without feeling exhausted, sick and in pain.
After working in the coaching world and teaching somatics to new life coaches, it is clear there is foundational information often left out of various trainings that is essential to the success of your coaching and group containers. This mentorship is an opportunity for you to co-create a supportive experience for your somatic and energetic learning and growth as a coach/practitioner/spaceholder/entrepreneur; from nervous system and emotional regulation and healing, to energetic hygiene and working with energetic boundaries, to holding multidimensional perspectives and awarenesses.
This is why I am passionate about working 1-1 with people, so that they can receive focused support that is tailored to their unique needs and process, and dedicated to their personal expansion, no matter where they are at in their business or personal journey.
This 6 month mentorship includes:
Initial 1 hour session/ritual to explore and set intentions for the container
3 hrs of session time a month (2 monthly sessions 1.5 hr each OR 3 monthly sessions 1hr each)
Daily personal support between sessions via email, text and/or voxer M-F
Recording of the sessions for your records
Reflection and practices in between sessions for goal setting and accountability
$1,000 / month
Pay in Full $6,000
Fall Special 20% off-
Bonus- Book by November 26th and receive:
MELT Method 1 hour Intro Session
1 MELT Soft Ball + Bag
potential outcomes during session work of an expand your capacity mentorship:
Expand your body’s capacity for success, growth and learn how to more easefully process and integrate emotions and experiences
Feel more energized, motivated and lit up about your business and your work in the world
Rewire and repattern old programs at the body and energetic levels
Feel more intune and connected to your needs, desires and direction for yourself and business
Embody confidence and authenticity with your visibility
Regulate and nourish your nervous system
Develop tools, strategies and practices to help strengthen your energetic boundaries with clients and in your group containers
Experience a felt-sense of self and essence to return to again and again as an anchor
Access a deeper level of embodied presence in your spaces and containers
Access and explore new gifts and healing potentials coming through for you to work with
What sort of topics might we explore in Expand Your Capacity?
- Radical Awareness Practices and Development for self and clients
- Body/Being consciousness exploration
- Understanding our biological truths in relationship to our bodies and behavior
- Understanding toroidal fields, yours and your clients
- Resourcing
- Holding multidimensional perspectives
- Body Basics: finding baseline and grounding centering practices
- Body Basics: language of the nervous system
- Power of co-regulation
- Psychological functions explored
- Activation of the will
- Accessing choice
- Emotional regulation understanding, practices and strategies
- Understanding physiological activation and deactivation cycles
- Deepening exploration of mind/body connection
- Understanding and developing energetic boundaries for yourself and your clients
- Energy differentiation: Identifying and Releasing energy that does not belong to you
- Energy hygiene practices
- Embodying confidence
- Working with guides and teachers
- Understanding collective energies
- Opening up to receive your divine gifts and healing potentials
- Rewiring and repatterning old programs of self doubt, stress, pain, anxiety
- Fundamentals of holding safe space: protecting clients from overwhelm
- Client case consultations as needed
What can I expect to get out of our time together?
- Understanding your unique organism
- Self healing
- Awakening awareness
- DNA and nervous system level shifts
- Rewiring and repatterning
- eleasing
- Integrating
- Expanding physiological, emotional, and energetic capacity
- Feeling confident and empowered in authenticity
- Expanding/awakening more consciousness and resilience
- Activating gifts and healing potentials
- Activating divinity
- Tapping into ease, flow and grace
- Learn how to “session yourself” so you may smoothly process any triggers that surface
- Decrease negative thinking, doubts and comparisons
- A sense of embodied confidence in space holding
Is this the same as business coaching? What if I have a business coach or I am in a mastermind?
This is not business coaching.
This is an opportunity for Coaches, Spaceholders and Entrepreneurs who maybe already have support from a business coach and/or who are in a mastermind or group program and understand the necessity of receiving support for their body and energy, to receive concentrated time and space to be with their bodies and help process what is coming up in their sessions and business.
As a multi passionate entrepreneur who currently has a 1-1 Business Strategist/Coach and has participated in business masterminds before, the support that the EYC Mentorship offers is different from business coaching. This is an opportunity to process any triggers that have been coming up in your life and business, develop tools and strategies to navigate overwhelm, stress, fear of visibility, add techniques to your coaching skill-set for embodiment, nervous system regulation, energy hygiene and feel deeply into your essence, alignment and embodied truth.
How does the EYC Mentorship support my work with clients?
In the EYC Mentorship you will learn:
- A tool box of practices, strategies, techniques for yourself and clients for nervous system regulation and healing, grounding, energy support, emotional regulation, boundary setting, mindset shifts, and more.
- How to have greater access to differentiate between your self and your client
- How to deep your sense of embodied confidence in your space holding
- How to recognize nervous system states within your self and clients, which will allow clients feel more seen and safe in your containers
- How to support yourself and clients by understanding the activation/deactivation cycle of your nervous system
- How to access more choice points within your session work
- How to strengthen your trust and intuition
- How to protect clients from overwhelm and navigating triggers that come up in sessions
What if I’m not a Coach, is the EYC Mentorship for me?
How are the sessions structured?
This 6 month mentorship includes an initial 1.5 hour session/ritual to explore and set intentions for the container. After that point we meet 3 times a month for the first two months for 1 hour long sessions. For the remaining 4 months we meet for 90 minutes 2 times a month.
Sessions are designed and co-created together based on your needs and what you are currently desiring to learn, shift and explore with your body, energy and in your containers. They are conducted over zoom or facetime where there will be a combination of learning opportunities, experiential exercises, reflection, processing, and integration.
Do you offer 1 off sessions?
Right now I have an offer available called Recalibrate (click here for more information) that is a 2.5 hour experience. Aside from that, I do not currently offer one off sessions.
How do I know if the EYC Mentorship is a good fit for me?
The EYC Mentorship is a good fit if you are holding space for yourself, your business, your family, your relationships, your team, and your clients. I definitely invite you to reach out and set up a connection call to explore if you are feeling called to this work together.
The EYC Mentorship may also be for you if you’re feeling like:
- With all that you have shifted in your personal journey, your system still feels addicted to adrenaline, urgency, fear, and/or excitement, even if you have moved through regulating these layers.
- You’re looking for additional resources and practices to support your self regulation and integration in your life and/or support, tools and strategies to assist your coaching spaces.
- You are experiencing visibility faster than your body expected/anticipated and you are struggling to come out of your activation/doing/autopilot.
- You’re looking for sustainable ways of working in regards to your own energy and body.
- You desire to authentically and unapologetically show up- to put self out there in your life and business, but have resistance in your system. This may be showing up for you as procrastination, hesitation, ghosting your audience, self doubts and negative thinking, comparison, stress/anxiety.
- You’re craving big space to integrate identified conditioning/patterning and move through trauma in order to expand capacity for your business.
- You want to clear out energy, stagnancy and old patterning that may be getting it the way of your fullest embodied expression.
The EYC Mentorship may also be for you if you’re desiring:
- To feel more rooted and connected to your body.
- To experience more deep rest and regulation in your system, so that you have the energy and vibrancy to show up in your life and business.
- To establish a felt sense experience of trust/knowing in your body.
- To interrupt and shift your cycle of overworking, over committing or overriding your body/system for good!
- To experience an embodied sense of faith of being in the unknown.
- The ability to stay sovereign in your own center.
- To be able to discern your internal yes from no.
- To feel energized by your business and not drained or exhausted.
- To cultivate somatic and energetic strategies when you’re triggered or activated.
I’ve been having fear around my business, visibility, and how I am showing up in sessions. Is the EYC Mentorship for me?
Yes! This 6 month container is an opportunity for us to explore what is happening in your nervous system that is getting in the way of how you want to show up in your business and for your clients.
Do you wish you felt more confident or composed during workshop presentations or webinars?
Do you feel pulled to have a greater social media presence but are uneasy in front of the camera?
Do you feel performance pressure to "fix" your clients?
Does negative thinking and self doubts distract your focus, make you less effective and prevent you from sharing about your business?
We will explore all of these topics and more in the EYC Mentorship!