Spaces for Healing, Integration and Expansion
Sara Vatore is Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner, Somatic Educator, and MELT Method instructor. An Embodiment Specialist creating spaces for healing, integration and expansion, she supports humans to build capacity and resiliency in their systems, so that they can access their potential with ease.
Welcome to:
somasynthesis studios
spaces for healing, integration and expansion
Shifting the patterns of stress and overwhelm to embodied ease and calm
When we connect with our body’s unique inner wisdom and innate capacity to heal, we awaken to an entirely new way of being – a way that releases us from old patterns and pain, allows us to thrive in the midst of the unknown and carries us into the universe’s realm of boundless possibility.
The secret to preventing burn out while expanding your CAPACITY to experience LIFE.
Tap into your innate intelligence within. Cultivate RESILIENCE.
Understand Your Biological Organism: Change Your Life
we are all infinite beings with the capacity to feel deeply nourished and fulfilled
the missing link to healing and expansion
the missing link to lasting change
embodiment and nervous system healing, integration and expansion
sara’s sacred offering:
Supporting humans to find their range of comfort and relief in their bodies, uncover and tap into the unlimited potential and possibility of their organism to heal on all levels (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, energetic and genetic) and expand their capacity to be fully embodied in their unique expression of life in all forms so that we can rise together and heal our planet.
“I’ve been thinking over the last 3 days how to best express the significance of the transformation that I’ve been through since Saturday- It’s been like a rebirth- SO much healing- I feel like I am existing in the world in a totally different way. I am so grateful for you! ”
Do you feel like you are always on alert, exhausted, burned out, stressed out or in pain? Do you have trouble relaxing or deeply resting, even though your body could probably sleep for days? Can you recognize yourself repeating the same patterns, but can’t quite seem to make that shift?
deeply nourished and fulfilled
What would it be like to feel more calm AND have more energy?
What would it feel like to fully drop into an embodied connection with others and the planet?
What would it be like to connect deeply with your desire?
Welcome. My name is Sara and I guide folks who are craving new ways to be in their bodies in the world. I have first hand experience rewiring my own stuck patterns and nervous system, where I went from a hyper anxious, to-do list focused, people pleasing, stressed out, confused perfectionist, to uncovering a way of life deeply plugged in and connected to EASE, CALM and FLOW and the EARTH around me.
I was completely shutdown and operating on auto-pilot in various parts of my life (intimacy, emotional connection, body sense) which I have transmuted into embodied presence, access to the full spectrum of emotions, connection to my body and the environment and deep conscious relationships with my children, my partner, friends and the Earth.
As a woman with a full life navigating chronic pain and autoimmune issues, running a multi-passionate business, a mom of two unique kiddos (16 and 8), who also has her own needs, visions, desires and dreams, I’ve uncovered how to make a permanent shift from barely keeping my head above water, to THRIVING.
Flowing with the organic rhythms of my organism, expanding my capacity to handle what is presenting, I can navigate the unfolding of life while moving with intention, authenticity, confidence and ease in the world.
By working with my stress physiology, nervous system regulation, my brain, the quantum field, embodiment, connective tissue hydration, psychological functions, cycles, seasons and elemental connection, Divine Feminine teachings, Earth wisdom, ancestral healing and my personal rituals and movement practice, I am uncovering what works best for my unique system to BE connected, embodied and free.
I am so excited to share what I have learned with you.
When we are stressed, our bodies and systems are working in OVERDRIVE to produce the important survival chemicals. Our culture is such that we perpetuate this chronic urgent go-go-go and more-more-more. With all the stimulation and conditioning that is saturating our environment we get stuck in barely surviving. However, we are not designed to LIVE, let alone THRIVE when our system is continuously pumping adrenaline and cortisol.
We can be aware of this overdrive, but this also can also be occurring completely out of our conscious awareness. We may be searching for answers as we navigate different kinds of medical and mental health issues but not understanding that our issues stem directly from how our body is functioning as an organism.
It is NOT good for our bodies and over time things BREAK DOWN and SHUT DOWN.
Do any of these sound familiar?
Sleep disturbances.
Getting sick frequently
Trouble grounding or settling.
Digestion issues.
Feeling stuck in the same cycles.
Challenges processing or sitting with emotions.
Stuck "ON ALERT"
People pleasing at the expense of you.
Difficulties releasing old patterns.
Lack of confidence.
Difficulties resting or taking a break.
Struggling to set boundaries or say no.
good news
There are things you can do to support the resiliency and capacity of your body to function at the highest level possible!
When we support the health of our NERVOUS SYSTEM and our ORGANISM, EVERYTHING else can function optimally.
REGULATED Nervous System
I have choice.
I am hydrated and nourished.
I have optimal digestion.
I have a new orientation to pain and discomfort.
I negotiate stress.
I am productive
I am in FLOW.
I set boundaries.
I heal.
I have energy.
My sleep is restorative.
I process and feel my emotions without being overwhelmed.
I know and hear my limits.
I am connected to my body.
I know my wants, desires and needs.
I can vocalize my truth.
I am comfortable with confusion.
I can rewire old patterns with ease.