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SPACIOUS-Weekend Healing Retreat


the restorative retreat weekend experience

A 2 night and 3 day solo retreat experience in Western MA with over 6 hours of healing, integration and expansion magick with Sara! 

Allow spaciousness to permeate your Being and see what magick emerges

Do you desire space to deepen into the essence of you and recalibrate across all layers of being?

Join me for a co-creative 1-1 restorative retreat for your Body and Being to reconnect with yourself at your core, release what is no longer needed, and amplify your essence.

Experience Overview:

  • Come on a Friday to Western MA and stay at an Airbnb house solo through Sunday

  • Receive 2 Hours of Ritual, Healing and Magick Friday Night with Sara

  • Receive 4 hours of Ritual, Healing, and Magick on Saturday morning/afternoon with Sara

  • Experience solo integration space Saturday afternoon/evening and Sunday Morning


  • Accommodation for 2 nights (Friday and Saturday) solo at an Airbnb in Western MA

  • 6 hours total of in person 1-1 healing, integration and expansion support with Sara on location (including ritual, hands on healing, MELTing, divination and oracle play and more magick!)

  • 45 minute virtual pre-retreat session to discuss focus/intention for the weekend

  • Spaciousness for YOU

  • 2 Continental Breakfasts, tea and snacks

  • Gift bag with goodies to support your retreat experience

  • 2 weeks of voxer/text support M-F post healing weekend

  • 30 minute follow up/closing call after retreat weekend



Reach out to book your 2025 weekend today

Curious to learn more about this intentionally curated container with Sara? Reach out to have a conversation with her to see if this would be a good fit.

I am passionate about creating these kinds of SPACES for others, because they have been crucial to facilitating and sustaining my overall wellbeing, sanity and my ability to THRIVE in my day to day.

My life is set up in a way where I am holding it together a good majority of the time. I play many roles and I find myself having to mask sometimes, or temper/dampen my expression. 

I homeschool, and constantly have my 9 year old in the same space with me most of the time. Daily I weave in and out of working, mothering, teaching, adulting, being a partner/lover, friend  etc.

Sometimes I need to stifle an emotion or hold back a feeling in my day to day. Creating big pockets of space for my process is key to allowing integration and not having things stack and get stuck in my system.

These spaces become the container for me to explore:

Who am I separate from the roles I play?

Who am I BEING in the world?

What are MY needs, wants, desires, feelings and emotions?

What is my body trying to express right now?

When we are holding it all together, when we are going about our have-tos and shoulds and taking care of our selves, our families and/or our businesses, there can be a build up of armoring that happens. A going through the motions and getting it done.

We wear masks/play roles and sometimes they stay on, solidifying into our identity, affecting our beingness in the world.

When we take moments here and there to reconnect to our selves, it can be challenging to drop/take off/melt the armor in the allotted time alone.

We may want to and know we need to. We may feel a pull or desire to, but this is all easier said than done if we only have so much space/time. 

In my journey, while it has been essential to learn how to make the most out of small moments and spaces for my self and my expression, it has ALSO been crucial to create longer spaces of time for myself, in order to give my system the permission and TIME it needs to unwind and come out of any armoring or holding that I have been doing.

Permission to fully feel MY Self


To sense my Body and Being

To tap into my needs and to sense into how I actually want to be feeling

This takes SPACE and TIME

And often the SPACE that allows the full dearmoring and recalibration process needs to be AWAY from our families and work. 

This separation is required for an adequate pause and to have a break from the energy and information that we are constantly saturated in.  

This SPACE away is essential for us to fully access and sense into our unique vibration, creativity and genuine life force energy.

I am so pleased to invite you to this intentionally curated 1-1 Healing Retreat Experience to cultivate this SPACE for your self and prioritize your recalibration process.