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march invitation: speak true

Sara Vatore

Each month for 2025, I pulled a card to receive an invitation for us all—guiding us in reconnecting to our inner divinity.

What can we prioritize and focus on to access and amplify our vibrancy and our radiance, so that our divinity may shine through in all that we do and BE?

For March, the invitation is: Speak True.

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seeking the symbols of divinity

Sara Vatore

At the beginning of the year, I made a recommitment to myself and my dreamspaces—to prioritize and deepen my dream practices. I have been blown away by what is showing up at night and by the sheer potency of the symbolism.

With February’s invitation being Seek the Symbols, I wanted to share a recent message that came through a dream as it may hold resonance for the collective.

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february invitation: seek the symbols

Sara Vatore

Each month for 2025 I pulled a card to receive an invitation for us all that will support our reconnection to our inner divinity.  

What can we prioritize and focus on to access and amplify our vibrancy and our radiance, so that our divinity may shine through in all that we do and BE?

For February the invitation is: Seek the Symbols

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pause to celebrate

Sara Vatore

Wow, November was a big month over here. A month of stretchy achievements and potent celebrations. I have been making a point to pause and celebrate the milestone markers in my life and business. To honor the hard work and results that go into running a business and living and being during these complex times.

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