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Filtering by Tag: activateyourdivinity

seeking the symbols of divinity

Sara Vatore

At the beginning of the year, I made a recommitment to myself and my dreamspaces—to prioritize and deepen my dream practices. I have been blown away by what is showing up at night and by the sheer potency of the symbolism.

With February’s invitation being Seek the Symbols, I wanted to share a recent message that came through a dream as it may hold resonance for the collective.

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i allow the space to be the healing

Sara Vatore

Sometimes creating the intentional space for our process is ENOUGH. 

No more efforting, forcing, willing transformation. No more taking another course, watching another video, trying to “do” the next new thing to get your system to shift. 

Simply the act of slowing down to take the space needed to allow your body the time to pause, unfurl and express, gets to be the catalyst for the potent alchemization you desire. 

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dearmoring and accessing our unique vibration

Sara Vatore

When we are holding it all together, when we are going about our have-tos and shoulds and taking care of our selves, our families and/or our businesses, there can be a build up of armoring that happens. A going through the motions and getting it done.

We wear masks/play roles and sometimes they stay on, solidifying into our identity, affecting our beingness in the world.

When we take moments here and there to reconnect to our selves, it can be challenging to drop/take off/melt the armor in the allotted time alone.

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commitment to creating space

Sara Vatore

There is a magnetic pull of being with my family. Even when I know I need space. Even when I am maxed out on my capacity. Even when I start to turn into an irritated ball of mess. Even when I desire and crave time alone.

To actually claim the space, to take time away from my family, to GO AWAY from my family, takes a considerable amount of intention, commitment and dedication to follow through.

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divine validation

Sara Vatore

What are the ways the universe is validating your timing? Sprinkling bread crumbs for you to follow? Providing nudges, nods and expressions of affirmation that it IS happening, that you ARE moving closer to your desires and you are right on schedule?

Where can you orient to uncover evidence that things are unfolding just the way they are meant to?

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