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Filtering by Tag: truth

march invitation: speak true

Sara Vatore

Each month for 2025, I pulled a card to receive an invitation for us all—guiding us in reconnecting to our inner divinity.

What can we prioritize and focus on to access and amplify our vibrancy and our radiance, so that our divinity may shine through in all that we do and BE?

For March, the invitation is: Speak True.

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what ways are you creating space in your life?

Sara Vatore

Today we leave for our week-long annual family trip to the beach in Maine. This is one of the full weeks during the year when I prioritize completely unplugging. No work. No emails. No clients. Minimal-to-no screens. Just time with my family and the ocean. 

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support is all around

Sara Vatore

I walked outside yesterday (March 31st) and was immediately greeted with Spring’s Emergence. The birds and frogs were thrilled (and loud). The Earth smelled rich and wet. And the Sun was actually warm. 

Such relief moved through my body as I sensed the awareness of heat on my face. 

I turned my head up toward the sky and saw the most incredible sunbow.

Receiving this image and energy on the last day of the month feels like an invitation to step through a portal, a beautiful clear opening into a new kind of energy.

Into more aliveness.

Into the potential and possibility of what layer is here for us next. 

I don’t know about you, but these last 3 months have been a potent recalibration period for me: a significant realignment of the physical structure of my body, sensing into and uncovering new family rhythms and dynamics, playing with the energetics of both business expansion and personal replenishment, and unraveling and healing threads of belonging wounding.  

Through it all, moments like yesterday’s, these winks from the universe, from nature, from The Mystery herself, allow me to sense hope and feel the SUPPORT that is all around.

Evidence to keep TRUSTing all is unfolding in divine timing. 

The support that I have been accessing during these last few months, from Spirit and the Mystery, from my husband and close friends, and also from my coaches and hands-on practitioners have been essential containment for my ability to experience, process, be with, integrate and heal all that is moving through in service of my growth and expansion.

Especially during times of challenge, support becomes non-negotiable for me. Orienting to what is within nature and all around me in the quantum, AND calling in actual friends, family and practitioners.    

This sunbow portal is offering us a gift of a great shift in energy as we all transition into April. I am ready to step through, will you join me?

And, if you are looking for some support this season, I invite you to reach out. I have 2 spaces to step into a 1-1 Virtual Somatic Coaching Container. 

This space is for shifting patterns and behavior so that you may step confidently into your unique expression in the world. Increase awareness of your body and energy to connect to what you want, how you want to live and how you want to feel.