Modalities and Mentors
modalities and mentors
I am honored to have had the opportunity to study, train and work with brilliant leaders and teachers in various fields of study that I synthesize into my approach working with humans. I am a forever learner. I love exploring new modalities, energetic and embodiment practices and new perspectives. Please read below for more information about the modalities I am trained in and the teachers I have worked with. Sending all of them gratitude for our connection and their work in the world.
Somatic Experiencing®
Somatic Experiencing® is a trauma resolution modality created by Peter Levine. It is a body oriented therapeutic model offering a framework to assess where a person is “stuck” in the fight, flight or freeze responses and provides clinical tools to resolve these fixated physiological states. Through developing conscious awareness of sensations in the body, clients are able to bring more regulation into their system by restoring physiological patterns, resolve their traumatic symptoms, and inviting in choice so that they may connect with their life force energy-vitality, creativity, resilience, and joy.
I completed the three year training in 2016 and received my completion certificate and SEP status in March of 2017. Somatic Experiencing is a foundational orientation in my work with individuals, couples, families, groups and organizations.
You can find out more about the work of the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute below. Their website has Somatic Experiencing training information for practitioners, free resources, and a comprehensive practitioner worldwide search.
Psychosynthesis is a holistic approach to psychology that was created by Italian Psychiatrist Roberto Assagioli. The orientation examines all helms of the human experience, including soul and spirit. We explore how to connect with self and higher Self, our psychological functions (thinking, emotion, sensation, intuition, desire and imagination), activate our will, and make choices aligned with our unfolding self.
This modality helped me to uncover and connect to my values and to find presence and connection with my self. The maps and frameworks, concepts and exercises influence my orientation in client sessions, work with groups and workshops.
I was trained in the Psychosynthesis Life Coaching Program with Didi Firman of The Synthesis Center. I completed level 1 and level 2 in 2016-2017. I am often a guest faculty member at Synthesis San Francisco’s Psychosynthesis Coaching program. I also contributed a chapter on the body and coaching in the book:
The Call of Self: Psychosynthesis Coaching.
You can learn more about psychosynthesis and psychosynthesis coaching here:
Infinity Healing
The Infinity Healing Practice, now called The LaChiara Method, created by Gabrielli LaChiara, is a body of teachings, tools, and activations that allow people to experience profound shifts in consciousness, creating greater ease and lightness in the body, mind and spirit. This modality combinds neuroscience with methods that calm and repattern the survival brain and energetic skills and techniques to help engage inner knowing and help to clarify, redefine and discern the use of empathic abilities. I studied with Gabrielli in the Intro level of the Infinity healing training in 2019-2020, attended a week long Healing Intensive Experience in 2019 and worked one-on-one with Gabrielli and other Infinity Healing practitioners. This modality has been key in developing my energetic practices and activated my ability to differentiate energy. The Infinity Healing website has training information, free resources, channelings, and more.
The MELT Method®
MELT Method® is a self care practice created by Sue Hitsman, using small rubber balls and large soft foam rollers to hydrate your connective tissue and release stuck stress in your body. It is designed to teach you how to become your own Hands Off Body worker. It has completely changed my relationship with my body, pain and recovery and how I work with others.
Please check out my MELT page for more details by clicking here.
I completed the MELT Method Hand and Foot Instructor with Sue Hitzman 2018, my
MELT Method Level 1 Instructor course with Kerrie Bergondorf 2018, and my MELT Method Level 2 Instructor course with Sue in 2021.
Visit https://www.meltmethod.com/ for more information. Visit MELT on Demand for access to all the MELT Method sequences and to view full length classes. I love this resource!
Click here: Melt Method On-Demand
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) is a gentle, non-invasive form of bodywork that aims to harness the body's natural healing processes and amplify the health that is already existing in the fluid system. It is rooted in osteopathy and focuses on the subtle rhythms and movements within the craniosacral system, which includes the bones of the skull, the spine, the sacrum, and the cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord.
Osteopathy was developed by Andrew Taylor Still, and in the early 1900s one of his students William Garner Sutherland went on to study how to release restrictions in the human skull. His work became known as Cranial Osteopathy. In the late 1970’s, John Upledger uncovered the rhythmic wave of fluid in the body- the motion of the tide- and coined the term Craniosacral Therapy (CST)
Using a soft touch, practitioners connect to the “breath of life”- a potent flow of life force in the central channel, to release restrictions in the craniosacral system, which improves the functioning of the central nervous system, as well as many other systems of the body, such as digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, and more. BCST also helps release stuck emotions, trauma, depression and anxiety from the tissues in the body.
BCST addresses a rhythmic system at the core of our physiology – the pulse of energy that flows between our head and pelvic area called the Tide. It’s as essential, measurable, and tangible as our breath and heart rate. The craniosacral system follows a rhythm, and the skull bones accommodate its pulse. When we sync the rhythm and invite in health, it optimizes the pulse, creates potency within the tide and allows healing to emerge in the body.
BCST is beneficial for people seeking help with a wide range of healthcare challenges and symptoms including: migraines/headaches, stress, tension, sleep disturbances, chronic pain, chronic illness, injuries, trauma, fibromyalgia, jaw pain, joint stiffness, pregnancy challenges, coordination impairments, emotional disturbances/ expression, attention difficulties, and more.
I studied with Rose Khalsa from September 2023-July 2024 and received my 200 hour certification.
For more information about Rose and her trainings visit:
Nia Technique®
Nia is a holistic barefoot dance fitness practice combining healing arts, martial arts and dance arts into a movement experience for the mind, body, emotions and spirit. It was created by Debbie Rosas. Although I am no longer teaching Nia, this movement practice has played a huge role in my reconnection with my body, dance and my access to freedom, joy and play. The principles of Nia are infused into my being and they are often woven into my teaching and session work.
I received my White Belt and completed the teacher training in 2016 with Casey Bernstein. I also attended the Moving to Heal Training with Debbie Rosas in 2017.
Visit https://nianow.com/ for more information.
Visit Nia TV for unlimited access to all the Nia routines! First month free!
Peak Performance and Dr. Alan Goldberg
A large aspect of my orientation in coaching and supporting clients stems from my close 10 year mentorship with internationally known Peak Performance Consultant Dr. Alan Goldberg (who is also my father!). Much of how I look at performance potential and navigating blocks and fears in my work stems directly from the foundational pillar of studying with him, along with learning from all of his brilliant books and audio programs for athletes, coaches and parents. He is a true pioneer in the field of peak athletic performance by blending Somatic Experiencing into his perspective and I am honored to continue to bring his legacy and frameworks into my work and orientation with clients.
You can learn more about his work with athletes and performance by clicking here.
Other Teachers/Healers/Practitioners/Mentors/Colleagues
Over the last 20 years I have had the privilege of working with outstanding teachers, healers and colleagues.
Here are a few programs and people that I want to acknowledge and name additionally:
Kathy Kain-Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and creatrix of Somatic Practice. I took Kathy’s Resilience and Self Regulation Touch Training in 2018 and her books and approach play a significant role in how I work with clients Learn more about her work here: https://somaticpractice.net/
Kimberly Ann Johnson- Sexological Body Worker and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. I have been following her for years, reading her books and listening to her podcast. I also took her following courses:
Forging a Feminine Path 2019
Activate Your Inner Jaguar 2019
Jaguar in the Times of Cholera (course taught alongside Sabia Wade) 2020
Jaguar in an Emergent World 2020
Activate Your Inner Jaguar Movement Edition 2020
You can learn more about Kimberly Ann Johnson here: https://kimberlyannjohnson.com/
Liz Koch- Teacher and Creatrix of Core Awareness. I took her Audio Psoas Course in 2019, have read her books multiple times and follow her work. To learn more about her incredible body of work visit: https://coreawareness.com/about/lizkoch/
Tom Myers and Dr. Robert Schleip- Attended a 2 day live experiential Anatomy Train in 2019 called Fascia as a Sensory and Emotional Organ. For more information about Tom Myers please visit: https://www.anatomytrains.com/
Irene Lyon- Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and Nervous System Specialist. I attended her Up and Down Workshop 3 day live experiential workshop in 2019 and have been learning from her videos for years. For more information about her work visit: https://irenelyon.com
Jana Lussier-Healer and Mentor. Learn more about her work here: https://janalussier.com/
Becky Carroll-Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and Mentor- Learn more about her work here: https://www.drbeckycarroll.com/
Lola Manekin-Mentor and Embodiment Goddess- Learn more about her work here: https://www.lolamanekin.com/
Brie Ann Woleman- Wholistic Witch, Pleasure Potionista, Creatrix of Breithing Botanica. I worked 1-1 with Brie for ritual, magick and embodiment support. Learn more about her work here: https://msha.ke/briethemagick/
Rob Wergin- Healer and divine conduit. Learn more about his work here: https://robwergin.com/
Michael Lennox- Astrologer and Dreamwork Specialist. I have worked with dreams 1-1 and in groups with him. Learn more about his work here: https://michaellennox.com/
Wilka Roig-Professional Dreamworker, Psychosynthesis Coach, Biomagnetism Therapist, Death Doula, and more. I participated in her 10 week group Creative Dreamwork Course and dream circles. Learn more about her work here: https://wilkaroig.com/
Dr. Leslie Ellis-Author, Counselor and Teacher in the fields of focusing and dreamwork. I participated in her online course Focusing and Dreamwork. Learn more about her work here: https://drleslieellis.com/
Andrea Bordenca-Colleague and friend collaborating together on student leadership, parenting, somatics and generative learning. Learn more about her work here: https://www.andreabordenca.com/
Susan McNamara-Colleague, friend and Journey Dance Teacher collaborating together on embodiment, ritual, healing, and self exploration. Learn more about her work here: https://rememberingwhatmattersmost.com/