This is a month to attune to truth.
Before we can speak it, we must first recognize it.
This requires deep listening—a slowing down, a willingness to sense what is actually true for us. Not the expectations placed upon us. Not the conditioned thought patterns we’ve inherited. Not the ways we keep ourselves small to fit into someone else’s comfort zone.
Sometimes these distortions are subtle. They slip into our thoughts, masquerading as truth. But this month, we pause.
We listen.
We discern.
We name.
And then—when we are ready—we speak.
Because when truth arises, it asks to be voiced. And that? That can generate fear.
Our authenticity can feel destabilizing. Our own power can feel overwhelming. The mere act of giving voice to what is real—what is ours—can bring up resistance.
But truth is not meant to be silenced.
So we begin here. With presence. With recognition. With allowing what is ready to surface to take form.
What is wanting to come through you?
What within you is asking to be voiced?
For me, this card lands with potent precision. Themes around my truth, voice and throat have been spiraling in for exploration.
In a recent session with a new practitioner, I experienced significant constriction in my throat—a tightness that surfaces when I connected with the fullest, supported and most expansive version of myself. The sensation choked me out, as if my system is bracing against my own power. Ancient fear. A resistance woven through time.
I’ve come to recognize that this pattern often appears when I’m on the cusp of a big expansion or moving through an initiation of some sort. As I step into more of myself and get BIG, as I prepare to cross a threshold, something in my system tightens in response. A gripping. A holding back. A whisper of, “Is it really safe to get THIS big? Can it really feel THIS good?”
Meeting this tightening and clenching with compassion, space, holding and suppoort allows for things to unfurl, unwind, recalibrate and express. It’s not been super comfortable, but essential for moving thorough this initiation time right now.
And simultaneously, more recently in my 1:1 Somatic Integration sessions, my voice has been emerging as a source of resonance, support, and healing. A call from within that moves through me—a hum, a vibration that ripples through the body and system I am co-creating with. It has been astonishing to witness—not just for myself, but through the reflections of those on my table.
Still, I notice the ebb and flow of aprehension in sessions. Less now, but in the beginning, when I first started exploring what was wanting to come through, there was a push-pull between what felt ready to be expressed and what had been conditioned to stay silent.
This month invites us all into curiosity:
Where are we shutting down our own voices?
Where are we being called to speak up—to use our voice in service, in truth, in devotion to what matters?
The imagery of the card itself speaks to this. A woman holds out a sword—clear, steady, unwavering. Just above it, a bubble hovers, almost balancing, cradling a crown within.
The sword and the bubble seem to exist in delicate tension, a dance between strength and fluidity, decisiveness and surrender.
The crown, a symbol of power, authority, and self-sovereignty, rests within something so ephemeral, so weightless. Is it held? Protected? Or is it in the process of being claimed?
The reflection of the bubble in the woman’s eyes suggests deep recognition. She sees the truth before her. She understands that sovereignty is not just about wielding power but about holding it with presence and care.
Truth is not about aggression, but clarity. It is a boundary, a declaration, a steady hand that says: This is what is real for me. This is what I stand for.
A sword does not always cut to destroy; it cuts to reveal, to liberate, to separate what is life-giving from what has become stagnant.
This is the work of March.
As Spring begins to stir beneath the surface, as the Equinox arrives and the balance shifts, we are invited to name what is real. To release what has withered. To plant the seeds of what we are ready to grow—and to speak those seeds into existence.
Truth is a force. A vibration. A catalyst.
So I ask you:
What truth is ready to be spoken through you?
Send me a message and let me know if you feel called—I’d love to witness what is emerging for you this month.
May March be filled with truth, expansion, and the full expression of your voice.
May we all find the courage to Speak True.