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Your Business Needs Spaciousness—And So Do You


Your Business Needs Spaciousness—And So Do You

Sara Vatore

As a woman running a business, you know how to hold a lot.

You’re managing clients, finances, projects, content, systems, marketing, growth... 

You’re holding your self, needs, wants, desires, family and kid responsibilities and obligations…

All the things!

Your mind is constantly spinning with strategy, next steps, and what needs to get done.

And yet, amidst all this movement.

🔹 When was the last time you gave yourself space—not to plan, but to simply receive?

🔹 When was the last time you stepped away from the “doing” to listen to what actually wants to emerge?

🔹 When was the last time you let yourself be in the unknown without rushing to fill it?

Vision requires space.
Alignment needs room to breathe.
Expansion isn’t about doing more—it’s about creating the conditions where clarity can find you.

The most powerful business decisions aren’t made in the hustle.
They arrive in the pause.
They show up in the stillness.
They emerge when we stop forcing and start allowing.

✨ This is why I created Spacious: A 1-1 Restorative Retreat. ✨

A 2-night, 3-day portal for you to step away from the constant movement and drop into deep presence, recalibration, and receiving.

Not to plan.
Not to strategize.
Not to push.

But to listen.
To sense.
To allow clarity rise from within.

Because when you give yourself spaciousness, your next steps don’t have to be forced. They will be revealed.

If you feel the pull to step away so you can return with more clarity, energy, and alignment than ever before, I invite you to explore this experience.

Reach out to start a conversation about what this weekend could look like for you. Let’s co-create something that shifts everything.