Your Business Needs Spaciousness—And So Do You
Sara Vatore
When was the last time you gave yourself space—not to plan, but to simply receive?
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Filtering by Tag: spacious
When was the last time you gave yourself space—not to plan, but to simply receive?
Read MoreWhen you step away from the routine, the expectations, the noise—what opens?
Read MoreCreate space and drop into alignment for potent business expansion.
Read MoreThe call of time away…Have you heard it?
Read MoreIt was really challenging to create space for myself at the beginning. Read more about my journey of moving through guilt and claiming the space I need.
Read MoreRecently the main vision in my business has been to create experiences that feel generative, easeful and magickal for me as well as for those who choose into spending time with me.
Read MoreAs a mother and human with a full life, I have to intentionally prioritize taking space for myself.
I have to schedule it and then guard it.
I have to honor the importance of it.
When I do not, it is so easy for me to fall back into putting everyone else around me first.
Read MoreWhen we are holding it all together, when we are going about our have-tos and shoulds and taking care of our selves, our families and/or our businesses, there can be a build up of armoring that happens. A going through the motions and getting it done.
We wear masks/play roles and sometimes they stay on, solidifying into our identity, affecting our beingness in the world.
When we take moments here and there to reconnect to our selves, it can be challenging to drop/take off/melt the armor in the allotted time alone.
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