navigating pain: in space there Is possibility
Sara Vatore
When we are in pain and discomfort it can be challenging to notice anything other than pain.
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Filtering by Tag: meltmethod
When we are in pain and discomfort it can be challenging to notice anything other than pain.
Read MoreRecently the main vision in my business has been to create experiences that feel generative, easeful and magickal for me as well as for those who choose into spending time with me.
Read MoreSometimes creating the intentional space for our process is ENOUGH.
No more efforting, forcing, willing transformation. No more taking another course, watching another video, trying to “do” the next new thing to get your system to shift.
Simply the act of slowing down to take the space needed to allow your body the time to pause, unfurl and express, gets to be the catalyst for the potent alchemization you desire.
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