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navigating pain: in space there Is possibility


navigating pain: in space there Is possibility

Sara Vatore

When we are in pain and discomfort it can be challenging to notice anything other than pain.

Whether the pain is physical, emotional, spiritual, it can be all consuming. 

It can feel like it is always going to be stuck this way (especially if it is something we have been navigating chronically over time).

We are wired to detect when something is wrong in our bodies, so we can tend to the threat. When pain signals are firing, this is where our awareness mechanism turns towards and focuses on.

We have to make an extra effort and hold a strong intention to help our systems begin to orient in a new way, so that we can experience something different in the body. 

Pain can be overwhelming to our systems/senses and unless we are 💯 better, it can feel like nothing is helping.

What I have noticed over the years is that a commitment to noticing small shifts and tiny moments of feeling neutral or even relief, is how my body facilitates healing.

Noticing small changes, like pain lessening a small bit (even if it is not resolved completely) is how my system starts to register relief, which then spreads and amplifies to other parts of my body.

Sometimes we can’t feel all the way “better”, but can you sense any part of you that feels relief? 

What part of you feels a little “less” discomfort than what is catching your attention at this moment?

If this seems impossible, where can you notice neutral in your body? 

Bringing our awareness to places of neutrality and relief is a starting point of healing.

In relief there is space

In space there is possibility

Of actually feeling better

Of healing

How can you orient to what is working right now in your body? 

If you would like some support in cultivating this kind of awareness to help facilitate healing across all layers of being, reach out! I have a number of ways to work together to create space for your Body and Being to unwind, express and activate your healing potentials. 

Somatic Integration Sessions- 70 minutes of hands on healing and nervous system support in-person in Hadley MA on Sundays and Mondays (and sometimes Fridays)

SPACIOUS: 1-1 Healing Weekend Retreat - 2 night, 3 day intentionally curated magickal weekend in service to your healing, integration and expansion. 

Somatic Coaching and Mentorship- 3 and 6 month containers to support your fullest embodiment and expression and help you to expand your capacity to hold all the threads of life, family and work with more ease. 

MELT Method virtual and in-person sessions- a modality working with soft foam rollers and rubber balls to hydrate your connective tissue, release stuck stress from the body and balance your nervous system. 

I would be honored to hold space for you. Reply to this email with any questions.