your business needs space. you need space.
Sara Vatore
Create space and drop into alignment for potent business expansion.
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Filtering by Tag: space
Create space and drop into alignment for potent business expansion.
Read MoreAwe is a direct portal to expansion. It shifts us out of our narrow, problem-focused perspective and reconnects us to something bigger, vaster, more alive.
Read MoreAt the beginning of the year, I made a recommitment to myself and my dreamspaces—to prioritize and deepen my dream practices. I have been blown away by what is showing up at night and by the sheer potency of the symbolism.
With February’s invitation being Seek the Symbols, I wanted to share a recent message that came through a dream as it may hold resonance for the collective.
Read MoreEach month for 2025 I pulled a card to receive an invitation for us all that will support our reconnection to our inner divinity.
What can we prioritize and focus on to access and amplify our vibrancy and our radiance, so that our divinity may shine through in all that we do and BE?
For February the invitation is: Seek the Symbols
Read MoreOn the other side of our expansion and output is CONTRACTION. Always.
Read MoreMay I slow down enough to sync with the vibration of trust?
Read MoreWow, November was a big month over here. A month of stretchy achievements and potent celebrations. I have been making a point to pause and celebrate the milestone markers in my life and business. To honor the hard work and results that go into running a business and living and being during these complex times.
Read MoreEach month for 2024 I pulled an animal energy for us to work with for support. What energy and animal is here to hold and care for us during this challenging time on the planet?
For December the support energy is: Dove Spirit: Be Peace
Read MoreWhen you’re navigating chronic pain, an illness or recovering from an injury the process can be FRUSTRATING.
Read MoreWhen we are in pain and discomfort it can be challenging to notice anything other than pain.
Read MoreI want to share some exciting news and would love to celebrate with you! Last month I completed my Biodynamic Craniosacral Training
Read MoreThe call of time away…Have you heard it?
Read MoreI have learned that the act of claiming the space is just as important for my nervous system and sanity as the going away part.
Read MoreSometimes the support of a second, coherent body is what our system needs to facilitate getting unstuck or to assist the dearmoring process.
Read MoreOne of the most common pieces of feedback I receive from people who choose into working with me is that they feel relief.
Read MoreToday we leave for our week-long annual family trip to the beach in Maine. This is one of the full weeks during the year when I prioritize completely unplugging. No work. No emails. No clients. Minimal-to-no screens. Just time with my family and the ocean.
Read MoreThis past weekend offered me a deep practice in flexibility. To let go of solo plans I felt very attached to and instead navigate some uncontrollables that surfaced.
Read MoreOne of practices I have been working with for years is a concept of WEAVING IN MOMENTS. Read about this practice in this post.
Read MoreEach month for 2024 I pulled an animal energy for us to work with for support. What energy and animal is here to hold and care for us during this challenging time on the planet? May’s Energy is Magic Works Through You.
Read MoreA Special Announcement : New Location for My In-Person Work
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