making space for contractions
Sara Vatore
Over the last week I have felt particularly out-of-sorts.
This holiday season and end of the calendar year was booked more fully than usual. This was intentional with some big business opportunities, but I found myself in productivity mode right up until the New Years.
Even in the space I carved out for myself to not work over part of New Year’s week, I couldn’t get my system to fully settle in the down time.
It has been frustrating. I wanted to enjoy the space I took off, but I found myself in a mix of emotions and a lot of unsettling paradox energy.
Agitated that it wasn’t a lot of time off, but unable to enjoy the time in front of me
Annoyed that I hadn’t taken more time earlier
Feeling urgency that there is so much I want to reflect on/think about/process/be in ritual, etc and at the same time, like there isn’t enough space/time to be able to be with it all, so I just spin in i
Sensing anticlimactic energy that the holidays are over after all that planning, work, effort and not really knowing what to do with the feelings of let down
Wanting more alone space, but feeling resistance to blocking off a weekend away on the calendar, even though I know it is what I need
Knowing that I need to get up and move a bit more, but feeling magnetized to work, or zoning out during my open spaces
Knowing I’m unsettled, but not knowing what I need to feel better