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making space for contractions


making space for contractions

Sara Vatore

Over the last week I have felt particularly out-of-sorts. 

This holiday season and end of the calendar year was booked more fully than usual. This was intentional with some big business opportunities, but I found myself in productivity mode right up until the New Years.

Even in the space I carved out for myself to not work over part of New Year’s week, I couldn’t get my system to fully settle in the down time.  

It has been frustrating. I wanted to enjoy the space I took off, but I found myself in a mix of emotions and a lot of unsettling paradox energy. 

  • Agitated that it wasn’t a lot of time off, but unable to enjoy the time in front of me

  • Annoyed that I hadn’t taken more time earlier

  • Feeling urgency that there is so much I want to reflect on/think about/process/be in ritual, etc and at the same time, like there isn’t enough space/time to be able to be with it all, so I just spin in i

  • Sensing anticlimactic energy that the holidays are over after all that planning, work, effort and not really knowing what to do with the feelings of let down

  • Wanting more alone space, but feeling resistance to blocking off a weekend away on the calendar, even though I know it is what I need

  • Knowing that I need to get up and move a bit more, but feeling magnetized to work, or zoning out during my open spaces 

  • Knowing I’m unsettled, but not knowing what I need to feel better

Today, as I had some space between clients and was reflecting on things, I realized that I am in contraction energy right now…

OH! Right…!!

As I wrapped up the calendar year, I was in major output mode. From the end of October, through the end of December, I had something booked for work or family travel every weekend. 

That, along with getting ready for the holidays, putting together a proposal to purchase my father’s business, coordinating trips and family gatherings, and wrapping up the year with a 3 day workshop for a large organization, there was a TON of output on my end.

On the other side of our expansion and output is CONTRACTION. Always.

It’s our body’s way of taking a reset.

We all go through a variety of expansion and contraction cycles regularly. They can be daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal cycles, etc. 

When our bodies/systems are thriving and working smoothly, there is a natural contraction that happens following any expansion, output of energy or emotional expression. This is an organic cycle that our bodies breathe with. An oscillation between expanding and contracting. 

And, as normal as it is to be in a contraction period, they are not super comfortable! 

When I was able to name that what I’m feeling is the contraction part of the cycle, a layer of resistance that I was experiencing dissolved.

Instead of annoyance at myself and frustration, I get to bring in acceptance and compassion.

What do I need right now during this contraction?

I need space (without distractions).

I need continued permission to feel how I feel

I need to nourish myself the best ways I can and keep prioritizing the basics (nutrition, hydration, movement). 

I need containment (practitioner appointments, time with my husband, floats)

I blocked off days off for the month. I booked a few salt water floats. I claimed a weekend to go away. I made sure I got my water in today. 

Where is my support?

I checked my calendar and made sure that I have my weekly cranial sacral appointments locked in.

I asked my husband to cook a delicious soup for the week.

I gave him a heads up that I need some extra massage attention this week.

Relief. Just a little.

Now, I still feel out of sorts BUT, there is more room. More room for the sensations and emotions to be. More space for them to move and shift and change.

Contractions require us to be with the uncomfortable. The unsettled. The out-of-sorts. 

Are you experiencing a post-holiday contraction? Are you looking for some support to integrate what’s coming up for you?

I invite you to reach out. I have virtual one-off somatic healing sessions (Recalibrate) available, along with in-person hands-on-healing sessions (Somatic Integration). I also have 2 spots open to step into a longer term coaching support container.