I laughed when I flipped over this card for January. I did the card reading on the 19th of the month and I’m in a completely different place than I was at the beginning of the year. However, right after the New Year I went through a couple of weeks of navigating significant unsettled energy and a lot of resistance in many different threads of my life. I wrote earlier in the month about experiencing more contraction energy after a lot of output, and I uncovered that I needed to meet myself where I was at with compassion and lightness, instead of fighting the truth of what was present.
This month is inviting us to do just that. It is time to meet ourselves where we are at. To surrender to what is and start to let go of what we may be holding on too tightly to.
Where in your life do you find that you’re over efforting and striving? Where are you overthinking? What would it be like to pause for a moment and let go of forcing the situation?
Attachment to outcome creates a lot of distress. What could be possible if we trusted that it is all working in our favor and allowed the outcome to reveal itself to us over time?
Can you feel the space that emerges within you with this potential?
In order to surrender, we have to feel safe enough in our own body, or we will continue to brace and tighten our hold.
This is a month to orient to support. What is holding you? Where can you find containment?
This could be tangible in the 3D like receiving touch from a partner, sitting on the Earth, getting body work, etc
Or energetic, like connecting with animal messengers, dream communications that are coming through at night, synchronicities, etc.
Find your support so that you can surrender with more ease.
In order to surrender to resistance, we need to pause and create space in the first place to even feel what is unfolding. January is a month to create space to sense your self and honor and protect that space.
This means we may feel uncomfortable, out of sorts, or unsettled when we take the space. Invite in compassion and kindness to yourself now and allow it to move through.
Once we give permission for resistance to be present, it is able to express and dissipate.
We then can open up to receive something new.
This card is signaling that there is indeed something new that is wanting to communicate with you and requires your presence.
What do you hear/experience/feel/know when you create space to listen?
May January’s surrender create more space for our truth to emerge.