May I slow down enough to sync with the vibration of trust?
My choice is to trust.
When things feel
Too much
Doubling down and connecting to
TRUST in my self, my abilities and my self worth
TRUST in the open spaces
TRUST in the intelligence of the universe
TRUST in divinity
TRUST in something greater moving this collective energy we are all a part of
TRUST in divine timing, an organic unfurling program within each of us
TRUST in our innate capacity for healing, compassion and love
TRUST in the infinite support available to us
TRUST in the fact that it is always working, even when it feels like it is not
TRUST in our unique potency and gifts
TRUST in the protection, love and support always available from my guides and well-ancestors
TRUST in the unknown, the foggy, the uncomfortable, the liminal as a gateway leading to emerging clarity
The minute I begin to surrender to what is present, I am surprised in all the best ways.
This is not always an easy place to find when things are more overwhelming or chaotic.
If you feel like you need support accessing this state within you as we move more into Winter, I invite you to reach out.
Somatic coaching or healing sessions may be helpful for your process at this time of year when the darkness and the Void can bring up all kinds of shadow spaces.
Reach out below if you’re called to connect and we can start a conversation.