need a reset? let awe & wonder guide you back to yourself
Sara Vatore
How do we connect to the sensations to awe and wonder?
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Filtering by Tag: being
How do we connect to the sensations to awe and wonder?
Read MoreEach month for 2024 I pulled an animal energy for us to work with for support. What energy and animal is here to hold and care for us during this challenging time on the planet?
For December the support energy is: Dove Spirit: Be Peace
Read MoreWho are we in our business?
I was recently asked to come up with a “succinct title” to market myself at a healing expo coming up that I will be participating in with 2 other humans. I am having a little trouble with the assignment. Here are some of my reflections!
Read MoreThe concept of MULTIDIMENSIONALITY is something that I have been exploring for over 18 years, beginning back from when I was a senior in college. I wanted to share some thoughts today about what multidimensionality means for me, for you and the world in general!
Read MoreI need to be able to show up in my fullest essence and frequency because that will serve the people in my life in the most generative way.
Can this be as simple as creating space for myself?
Why yes, it can!
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