what is multidimensionality?
Sara Vatore
The concept of MULTIDIMENSIONALITY is something that I have been exploring for over 18 years, beginning back from when I was a senior in college. I wanted to share some thoughts today about what multidimensionality means for me, for you and the world in general!
When I think about multidimensionality and what it means, the following is what came through today. At another time I might get a different lens in. When I connect with others about this topic, I gain new insights and other expansive ways to think about this!
The concept of multidimensionality is multidimensional in itself! (which is why I created the Multidimensional Transmissions Podcast (coming fall 2022), so there is a space to explore the BIGNESS of this concept.)
What feels alive right now:
The website dictionary defines multidimensionality as “having or relating to multiple dimensions or aspects”.
When you look up the word “dimension”, well, that definition is much more layered:
A unit of measurement
A level of existence or consciousness
The quality of spacial extension
The range over which, or the degree in which something extends
A life like or realistic quality
One of the elements or factors making up a complete personality or entity
When I think about being a multidimensional Being I think about all the different aspects and parts of Beingness that make up the whole of who I am.
The parts of myself, like my Body, Being, Toroidal Field, Chakras, Consciousness, Spirit, Soul and ???
My psychological functions: thinking, imagination, intuition, sensations, desires/impulses, and feelings.
The roles I play/BE-mother, CEO, homeschooling coordinator, partner, lover, adult, daughter, sibling, healer, witch, self, coach, teacher, mentor, mentee, client, practitioner, creative, essence, energy, expression of the divine, etc…
The different planes of existence we can be experiencing: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, energetic, genetic, past, present, future.
Time differentiation- past, present, future, and the quantum experience of time stacking.
I think of holding various perspectives and how no two people can see something in the exact same way ever. We are all filtering experiences through our perception of reality. As a multidimensional Being I strive to hold various perspectives without making one better or worse than the other. My thoughts and beliefs create my reality.
I think of the infinite potential and possibility we have as a human Being on this planet. We have no idea the full capabilities of the human body or of the Being/Soul/Spirit. We can begin and explore these pieces and collect information along the way to inform our journey in this lifetime and in our past and future lifetimes.
I think of various realms of existence that are possible- spirit realm, ancestral realm, angelic, galactic, fairy, animal, akashic records, dreamspace, etc…
I think of how because we are all made up of energy and a part of the Earth, our individual expression has an effect on the whole experience, including things that we can’t see or tangibly interact with.
I think of how we are on a giant blue and green marble floating in the middle of space, and that this is one small point in a solar system, in a galaxy, in an infinite number of galaxies, in a universe that we can’t even fathom the boundaries of, much less what lies beyond it.
I think of Earth wisdom and how she is communicating to us all the time- animal consciousness, seasonal wisdom, elemental magic, synchronicities, etc that we have access to experience if we open our eyes, senses and pay more attention to the present moment.
I think of the Body as a portal and gateway to ancient future knowings and wisdom.
I am sure I could keep going….!!
We are a multidimensional Being having a multidimensional experience.
What comes up for you when you play around with the word multidimensional?
Artwork by Rebecca Tolk