At the beginning of the year, I made a recommitment to myself and my dreamspaces—to prioritize and deepen my dream practices. I have been blown away by what is showing up at night and by the sheer potency of the symbolism.
With February’s invitation being Seek the Symbols, I wanted to share a recent message that came through a dream as it may hold resonance for the collective.
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I most recently have been working with a dream intention of collective healing. I had a dream a few weeks ago that may have some threads of insight for you and your process. Particularly with the energetic theme of this month being Patience and Illumination (click here to read the May Energies blog), this dream felt significant to share right now. If you are called, I invite you to read below and take it in as if you were the one who dreamed the dream and see what truths emerge for you.
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