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july energy: the void


july energy: the void

Sara Vatore

Tapping into the energy for the month, July’s energetic message and theme for us all is: 


This beautiful card was created by Stacey Demarco and is a part of her Queen of the Moon Oracle Deck. My thoughts below are inspired by the card, the description in her deck booklet, and also the energy and channeled message from my initial reading at the beginning of the year that came through for July.

This card is asking us to listen deeply to our essence this month. What whispers of truth are being communicated? 

In the darkness we can hear/see/feel/sense/receive our gifts and healing abilities in new ways. 

The VOID is a place of infinite potential and connects us to unlimited possibilities available to us. 

The time of the Dark Moon, right before the new moon and new beginnings is a time to release what is not serving us. 

What is needing to be let go of in order for the fullness of self to emerge?

This month is a time to let go of expectations for how we think things need to be and create empty space for the truly magickal to come through. 

Prioritizing creating SPACE to be in THE VOID, connects us to the energy of the unknown. The place of everything and nothing. The place where the spark of potential for newness emerges. 

We can honor this theme by creating opportunities to be with and gently move our body, so that we can open to the potential and possibility available to us in THE VOID.

Being in the unknown or feeling foggy can be disorienting/unsettling/uncomfortable/scary sometimes.

Check in with yourself: Where are you noticing resistance? How does it show up for you?

During this month, allow any resistance to neutrally inform and guide you. By slowing down and meeting/softening into what is present, we can create space for new understandings.  

Trust is required this month. We are moving towards what we desire/where we want to be, even if it feels like we are spinning in place. 

Transformation is possible as we emerge out of THE VOID. 

May we receive clarity in new and creative ways.