let it come to you
Sara Vatore
Not knowing is a portal.
In-between SPACES are their own form of intelligence.
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Filtering by Tag: spaces
Not knowing is a portal.
In-between SPACES are their own form of intelligence.
You can’t expect yourself to be operating at your full potential if you’re neglecting or ignoring basic needs.
We have much less capacity to handle what life throws at us, if our body is not being listened to or cared for.
Read MoreEach month for 2024 I pulled an animal energy for us to work with for support. What energy and animal is here to hold and care for us during this challenging time on the planet?
For February the support energy is:
TURTLE: Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Read MoreIn the biodynamic craniosacral training I am in currently we are exploring the concept that all movement generates out of deep stillness. Here are some current reflections!
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