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let it come to you


let it come to you

Sara Vatore

We’ve been conditioned to believe that if we want something—clarity, insight, healing, a breakthrough—we have to chase it.

That we have to work for it.
That we have to focus on it.
That we have to actively DO something to make it happen.

But what if the answers, the shifts, the transformation you’re craving don’t need to be chased?

What if they are already waiting for you—just beyond the noise of all the efforting?

🌙 What if instead of trying to figure it out, you let it come to you?
🌙 What if instead of planning your next step, you allowed yourself to not know?
🌙 What if instead of searching for the answer, you gave yourself space to receive it?

Not knowing is a portal.
In-between SPACES are their own form of intelligence.

And the moment we step into spaciousness without expectation, without forcing, without filling the gap—that’s where the magick happens.

✨ That’s where the nervous system unwinds.
✨ That’s where deeper clarity emerges without effort.
✨ That’s where healing integrates in ways the mind could never orchestrate.

This is why I created Spacious: A 1-1 Restorative Retreat—a weekend that invites you into not knowing, not doing, not pushing—just receiving.

A space where your body and being get to settle, unravel, and return to their natural rhythm without needing a goal or outcome.

Because when we let go of controlling the unfolding, the unfolding finds us.

Reach out if you feel called to step into the unknown and allow what is waiting for you to rise.