building emotional resilience: parenting with presence, patience and choice — Sara Vatore

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building emotional resilience: parenting with presence, patience and choice


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building emotional resilience: parenting with presence, patience and choice

Building Emotional Resilience: Parenting with Presence, Patience and Choice: A 6 week course and supported community experience

Do you feel overloaded with the transition to fall schedules?

Are you constantly triggered by your children or partner’s behavior or moods? 

Do you feel stuck, overwhelmed or shut down when your children are having big feelings?

Parenting is NOT easy, especially when we are in the middle of the Fall transition! 

With changing schedules for both the grownups and kids, increased demands, and seasonal shifts it makes it challenging to have patience and to stay present and connected with those we love at home.

Right now we may find ourselves more reactive, stressed out and overloaded. We may feel more distracted or disconnected than ever before.

Our moods and energy are being constantly communicated (whether we are aware of it or not) to our children and others around us. How we are BEING matters.

When things are this challenging, sometimes we need community support and a new mirror in order to invite in different awareness and make changes.

Andrea Bordenca and I have curated this course and community experience for you.

This 6 week course is designed to help you navigate parenting and caregiving with greater presence, intention and ease, so you can show up fully for your self and your children.

We start Sunday September 29th and run 6 weeks.

Classes are Sundays from 6:00-7:15pm EST.

Click below for all the details and to register.

Later Event: November 16
natural living expo