Slowness and patience is required for HEALING
The more frustrated we get at our selves, our process, our bodies, the LONGER it takes to:
Feel better
Activate healing cycles in our body
Connect to the organic blueprint of health and wellness that is underneath all of our patterns and imprints
When we are working to shift patterns and behaviors that have been dominating how we show up, heal big emotions from past upsetting experiences, or thaw parts of ourselves stuck in freeze and shutdown, it is essential to remember that
When we are in expressions of pain, chronic illness, challenging emotions, etc., it can be easy to feel stuck or overwhelmed by the reality of being in a body in discomfort.
However, meeting ourselves where we are at, creating space for ourselves to be in the present expression of (pain, emotion, sensation, etc) is the medicine for allowing the cycle to express and then… complete.
Our body has amazing healing capabilities AND slowness is REQUIRED to activate these potentials.
How can you invite in some patience for yourself and your body today?
If you are looking for some support as you navigate any aspect of your healing journey, I invite you to reach out. I have in-person and virtual offerings to create big space and containment for your process. Send me an email or set up a connection call