This beautiful card was created by Stacey Demarco and is a part of her Queen of the Moon Oracle Deck. My thoughts below are inspired by the card, the description in her deck booklet, and also the energy and channeled message from my initial reading at the beginning of the year that came through for June.
This card is asking us to orient to the energy of BALANCE this month.
As a Libra, BALANCE is an energy and theme that I have explored a lot in my life! In my early 30s an astrologer once shared with me that BALANCE is not a fixed permanent state that we have to effort to “get to.” Mind blown! 🤯
It isn’t an endpoint to reach, but a continual process.
A process of recognizing where imbalances are showing up and using that as information to shift patterns, behaviors, choices, etc, to bring oneself into more alignment and balance.
An energetic exchange of information answering the questions of:
What is needed here?
What is required right now?
Thinking about BALANCE in this way allows me to soften into receiving more insight and information from what my Body and Being is communicating to me, instead of getting frustrated/annoyed/upset at not feeling/experiencing harmony.
With this past 8 week journey navigating through intense pain, I found myself repeatedly asking the question of: What needs tending? and then following through with the care required.
This provided me with more moments of experiencing relief and healing in my body.
This month overall is inviting us all to slow down and create the space to check in with ourselves. It is time to be HONEST about what is showing up and listen to what is being asked for the sake of our health and wellbeing.
If we ignore the imbalances, pretend they are not there, sweep them under the rug, it only prolongs the disconnection from what we truly need to thrive.
When you look up BALANCE in the thesaurus, the first words that come up are “Stability” “Equilibrium”, “Steadiness” and “Footing”.
This month is asking us to recognize/find those places/spaces/people/environments that bring us sensations of stability, steadiness, and equilibrium.
When we create the space to ground to sense our self, we have more ability and capacity to connect with the truth of our experience.
June is also a month where there can be a lot of growth internally and externally. We are at a growth point seasonally in the northern hemisphere; the Earth is starting to explode with the hard work of Spring.
When we are in an expansion or growth cycle, we may require additional support. Do not be afraid to ask for help this month.
With that I will leave us with some questions to reflect on this month:
What would be most generative for my growing cycle right now?
What feels out of alignment or out of balance?
Where are my supports?
What is required for my health and wellbeing right now?
What is needed for my thriving this season?
If you are in need of spaced to connect to the whole of who you are and reflect on these questions, I invite you to reach out. I have a variety of ways to support your healing, integration and expansion processes from 1-1 coaching and mentoring, intentionally curated retreats and group movement and MELT experiences and workshops.