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october support energy: you are not alone


october support energy: you are not alone

Sara Vatore

Each month for 2024 I pulled an animal energy for us to work with for support. What energy and animal is here to hold and care for us during this challenging time on the planet?  

For October the support energy is: 

Otter Spirit: You are never alone

After last month’s rebirth energy, otter reveals themselves to us this month with the message that we’re not alone. 

Support and connection is everywhere. 

After listening to The Emerald Podcast’s latest episode on guardians and protectors, I have been feeling this message strongly recently! 

(side note, this is an amazing podcast overall and I highly recommend exploring ANY episodes that resonate, especially You are the Intuitive  part 1 and 2)

From the tangible people in our immediate world to the hidden realms full of energetic support, there is an incredible network we are existing in.

What a beautiful reminder as we start a new year with the Jewish Calendar October 2nd. Support is here for this new cycle. 

When times are complex and challenging it can be easy to isolate and feel alone. 

Otter is here this month to orient you towards the support and connections that are available to you now.  

How can you show up more for your connections and friendships? When you are interacting with people in your life (partner, co-workers, friends, kids, etc) are you present or distracted? 

Get curious this month about how you BE in relation to others. Your presence is important.

Is there a way you can bring more of your full self to your interactions?

If you have been struggling to find time for your friendships, otter invites you to  uncover ways to prioritize connection time. Let your relationships fill you up and bring you joy.

We are a species that thrives in relationship and connection with others. Take stock about what relationships in your life fill you up? Are there any that drain your resources and impact your mood? 

In order for your relationships to feel generative, they must be reciprocal. Discernment is key here.

For those of you who have been feeling more alone, otter invites you to reach out to the unseen realms for support.

What animal, elemental guide, healthy ancestor, being, or teacher is revealing themselves to you? 

I know for me, rainbows have been a long term guide of mine and have been VERY present as of late, offering nudges of support.

You can call on hidden support to be with you at any moment. Try asking before you go on a nature walk, as you're falling asleep, or when you start your day. Track the ways that the support shows up.

Love, support, friendship and connection are openly available this month. Can you move towards the joy of being in connection?

If this message is resonating, this is a sign to reach out to a friend you haven’t connected with in a while, sign up for a community event or set up that coffee date you’ve been putting off. 

Orient to connection this month and let community surprise you.