This message is for those of you who desire relaxation but can’t seem to get your body to cooperate when you create the space.
For those of you who are super exhausted but feel wired at bedtime and can’t fall asleep (or stay asleep!).
For those of you avoiding slowing down even when your mind knows it’s what’s needed and most generative.
I see you
I know you
I am you
We can’t expect our overworked systems to just easefully shift into another state of being after YEARS of operating the same way.
This takes some time and repatterning at the body level to get our bodies to do something different.
Much of these patterns are rooted in how we survived in our bodies and lives growing up. This takes time to recognize and unwind.
Stop beating yourself up or shaming yourself for not being able to shift a coping strategy/addiction that has been in the works for 3, 5, 10, 20 years (OR one that has been passed down ancestrally!).
That is not helpful (in fact it will often keep us stuck).
And, to those of us who have been building awareness, honoring our bodies and in the work for a while, sometimes when things are more chaotic, challenging and full, old patterns surface.
You’re not doing anything wrong. You are not going backward.
Additionally, when things are exciting, building momentum, expansive, and we push against our edges of comfort, this can also rev our systems up.
You’re not doing anything wrong.
Patience to our bodies and our selves for their responses.
Find the tools, practices and support that work best for your unique system during all phases of your healing, integration and expansion processes.
Small shifts stack up to make big changes.