what is resilience?
Sara Vatore
According to google, RESILIENCE defined is: “the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties”.
As parents our greatest strength is our resiliency.
The ability to recover quickly from
things that come up that are out of our control
triggering things
scary things
new experiences
is a superpower that we NEED.
Life is full of ups and downs and learning how to surf all sizes of waves (without getting pulled under) supports our ability to show up for our kids, our partners and ourselves and be the patient, present parents we want to be.
When life throws us curve balls are we crumbling and falling apart, or are we able to meet adversity when it happens and bounce back?
In the last 10 days I:
Navigated my eldest getting 3 wisdom teeth out, and being up all night with him as he threw up the medicine that he had a reaction to
Brought my youngest to his first ever try-out for anything
Moved my eldest into college for his first year
Sat with my mom for a whole day while my dad was having open heart surgery
Traveled back and forth to the hospital 4 days in a row to support my mom and visit my dad while he is recovering
Took my youngest at 10pm one night to the ER (he is totally fine now) after having just returned back from the evening at the hospital with my dad
Dealt with our water heater which had rusted through to the bottom and leaked 50 gallons of water in our basement, flooding my office AGAIN (for those of you who know me here ….)
Navigating days with no hot water and having no access to a functioning shower (yay for a camping solar shower!)
Went to a concert with my husband in Boston for the first time for the duration of the 15 years we’ve been together (boy am I old…that was one of the most over stimulating things I have done in a LONG time).
I also
Started to take over the communication pieces (phone and email) of my father’s business while he is recovering
Wrapped up teaching an 8 week Peak Performance Cours
Started with a new couple’s client
Signed a renewal with a client for 3 more months of Peak Performance Coaching
Sold a 3 session Peak Performance mini package to a new client
Signed a 6 month Peak Performance package to a new client
Held space for my regular coaching and healing clients
Stepped back into being into more of a homeschool mode with my youngest