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nia classes and in-person session update

Sara Vatore

Dear Community,

It has been quite the unfolding in the past couple of days. I am sending each one of you energetic love, support, ease and capacity as you flow with all the uncontrollables that are surfacing.

I have been thinking a great deal about how to all stay healthy during this time. Given the unknowns of the incubation period for the virus and other factors (flatten the curve article) I have decided to pause all Nia classes and my in-person sessions (online sessions still available). While I feel disappointed about not getting to dance in person together, this decision feels like a socially responsible choice for me. As the landscape shifts and changes I will keep you posted.

Nia and movement is something that gives us all a great sense of aliveness and togetherness. I invite us all to come together energetically! I have set an intention over this period to dance and move every day. Even though both my kids are home, I claim 20-60 minutes a day as MY OWN. Who will join me?

Part of what breaks our immune systems down and makes us more susceptible to illness and viruses is staying stuck in a stress response. There is a great deal of panic and fear in our collective right now and I am finding it easy to get pulled in. Over and over I am catching myself and bringing myself back to the here and now, to what is true for me. Stepping outside to drop into the vibration of Earth, syncing with her wisdom, and breathing in more space to my body, is my go-to method to shift uncomfortable emotions or feelings of overwhelm and bring in grounding, settling and regulation.

Dancing also moves the energy and emotions. It helps release all of what I am holding that is not mine. As someone who is very energetically sensitive, there is a significant swirling right now. It is also not my responsibility to take on what is not mine. I want to have a strong immune system, patience with my kids and the capacity to take care of what goes into behind running a business and a family when we are home all together. I am grateful for movement to assist in this transmutation process.

We are at a very important choice point as a species. How do we choose to respond to what is happening around us? I have the privilege of being able to choose to orient to the potentials and possibilities in being home with my family. Slowing down. Working on household projects. Preparing the garden. Nature time. Creating space for me. Being of service to those in need.

I invite you to get outside as much as you can. Move when you can. Drink water. Eat nourishing foods. Play. Laugh with your family. Vibrate love and gratitude back out into the world. When you strengthen your own self you then have the capacity to be of service to those who need it.

I know this is a curious time and we need as much support from one another as we can. If you are interested in online sessions to support your nervous system please reach out and we can connect.

Love to you all during this time. Know that you are in my thoughts.


harvesting sacred spaces

Sara Vatore

While this past year has been challenging, and as trying as it was on my system, it has been (and continues to be) a blessing to play with and explore my relationship (past, present, future) with SPACE and CONTAINERS.

The space around us is critically important for how we feel in the world.

For me and my sanity during this past year it was about finding and creating the containers where I could bring my whole self to ride the wave of anything that wanted to move through me. Orienting to the spaces where I could show up again and again and be with my self.

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moving forward

Sara Vatore

This summer I listened more deeply to my self and spirit than I ever have before. Layers continue to shed as the sparkle of magic grows bright within, weaving more and more into my daily moments. I have new perceptions about time, about the universe, about living and about what is important to me and my service to the collective.

I have spent time immersing myself in my own cycles and thinking about what is most generative for me, my family, my relationships and my business.

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melt away stress and overwhelm with the melt method

Sara Vatore

The MELT Method® is a unique self-treatment approach that works by rebalancing your Nervous System and rehydrating your connective tissue, by using specialized soft rollers and small MELT Hand and Foot Balls to simulate the results of manual therapy.

Read more to learn how MELT can help restore your body’s ability to metabolize stress.

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cycle within the cycle

Sara Vatore

The new lesson that I have been uncovering, is this idea of cycles within the cycle. These beautiful ways that each of us, each individual plant, person, animal, flower, etc are constantly in our own unique cyclical process, no matter what is going on around us. 

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nervous system regulation and health: why should I care? expand your capacity for life

Sara Vatore


Our body is not designed to keep going and pushing through. If we override the messages enough, we can get our body to keep going, but over time things break down.

We want our nervous system and body to be running as efficiently and effectively in order to be living a FULL life with EASE. 

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what is psychosynthesis?

Sara Vatore

Psychosynthesis is...
the doorway to freedom, peace and ease in life.
the key to understanding who we are as individuals.
the lens with which to see our self, others and the world.
the path of our own unique journey.
the framework to hold as we are in relationship with the collective and the universe.
the magic that makes the simple, utterly extraordinary.
the missing piece to BEING.

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rest in

Sara Vatore

Burning up the knots. The clenching, gripping, holding on

is letting go, unraveling.

Lean back

Rest into


A inner power embodied.



Connected deep from within

to a complicated internal landscape of sensation.

Curiosity and wonder release the need for control.

A sensing from this center

connects to a powerful grace

rooted and aligned throughout my being.

Drop in and listen.

Shhh, she whispered. It is going to be okay.

You are already there.

-Sara Vatore