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a dream exploration: the fog clears and the shoreline is revealed

Sara Vatore

I most recently have been working with a dream intention of collective healing. I had a dream a few weeks ago that may have some threads of insight for you and your process. Particularly with the energetic theme of this month being Patience and Illumination (click here to read the May Energies blog), this dream felt significant to share right now. If you are called, I invite you to read below and take it in as if you were the one who dreamed the dream and see what truths emerge for you.

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desiring desire

Sara Vatore

For so much of my life I struggled with accessing my own knowing or feeling my own DESIRE. I always looked externally to tell me what was important, what to think about and what direction to move in. Knowing what I want, what I need or what is calling to me was not something I could access easily at all.

Over the last 6 years, in uncovering how frozen this organic life force energy was in my system, I have been dancing with and playing with DESIRE. Learning about what desire feels like in my body and energy when it is genuinely mine. Creating the space to thaw the shutdown places and expanding my body’s capacity to feel desire in a bigger way.

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paradox of social media

Sara Vatore

As I have been engaging more in online spaces this year, I have been very much holding the layers of this question/reflection within myself and having this conversation in my circles about the paradox of social media:

How am I supposed to promote nervous system healing, integration and expansion on the very system that alters our physiology and affects our brain function?

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its all coming up to clear

Sara Vatore

I don’t know about you, but it has been intense emotionally in my world these past few weeks. The collective energy continues to swirl, coupled with Mama Earth’s messages, as we all individually work through what is surfacing. With the full moon yesterday and the direction we are headed as a collective, so many of us are in deep processes of OLD stuff that is coming up to be transmuted.

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claiming your spaces (even within chaos)

Sara Vatore

Over the last 10 years I have learned the necessity of creating intentional, conscious spaces to create small moments for my personal somatic and energetic digestion. For expression. For integration.

Small daily moments alone and supported regular longer sessions with healers and practitioners.

Spaces to allow my whole self to ride the wave of anything that wants to move through me. Orienting to spaces where I can show up again and again with my truth and all the pieces, so that I can have the capacity to navigate the unfolding, even through overwhelm.

When there are circumstances out of our control or we feel more overwhelmed, these spaces become our anchor to find our self again. Especially when life feels full, as if we couldn’t possibly create those SPACES, that is when we know they are most needed and important.

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february energies: voyage

Sara Vatore

A practice I LOVE to be in at the beginning of the year is to feel into the energies of the upcoming months and do an oracle energy card pull for each one. February’s message and theme for us all is Voyage.

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new year blessings

Sara Vatore

Happy new year to you all! I am starting 2022 with an intention to be in more regular connection with you this year with some writing and new somatic and energetic offers coming soon. The theme for 2022 is BLESSINGS. May many blessings blossom from your internal wellspring of truth this year.

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divine winks, light codes, potent healing available: where is your support?

Sara Vatore

Divine Winks, Light Codes, Potent Healing Available: Where is your support?

The intelligence of the field of energy we reside in, is a powerful SUPPORT, available to us at all times. Not many of us are actually aware that we can feel into and co-regulate with this support. It is an infinite field of potential and possibility. If it is infinite, then all potentials and possibilities of ANYTHING can be accessed at any moment.

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2020 breakdowns? it’s all coming up to clear

Sara Vatore

Is 2020 bringing up your stuff? It is all coming up to clear! Because of what is unfolding above us in the stars, and around us in our physical world, SO much is coming up and being reflected within ourselves and our bodies.

Have you noticed? Old behavior, embodiment and thought patterns rearing their heads as we have been moving more into the darkness of winter?

Click here to read about a practice for releasing energy that does not belong to us.

Massive healing is possible right now. Change is possible. It begins within.

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shedding and letting go: a nia announcement

Sara Vatore

In the spirit of the seasonal shift right now and the waning moon I continue to shed and let go. In full vulnerability and transparency: I am currently reevaluating my relationship with teaching Nia. I will not be teaching Nia classes moving forward right now. This was a surprising realization and discovery for me and I am still in my process around uncovering some more layers for myself.

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september messages: caterpillar mush, in-between spaces and letting go

Sara Vatore

For months I have been talking about feeling like a caterpillar breaking down into mush in her cocoon. While this can at times be very intense, there is an exciting intention behind the letting go, a creation of space for something new and magical to emerge.

Here I continue to allow the transmutation of the letting go, the healing, the releasing and composting (aspects of myself, identities/roles I have played/play, commitments that are not 100% aligned, habits, patterns, behaviors, rules/authority grids) and at the same time feel into the opening spaces (within and out) that are being generated. Endings and unknown beginnings. Holding all of it, while not knowing the form my emerging will take.

In-between spaces from one perspective can be super unsettling. However, I would like to also propose that they hold magic, great potential and possibility. They create opportunity. A time to reevaluate what it is important to us and to reexamine what we value and desire. A time to integrate all the lessons and recalibrate our systems to be able to hold what is unfolding and emerging.

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strategies for agitated kids, teens and adults

Sara Vatore

One of the themes that has been surfacing in individual sessions with kids, adolescents and parents is that they are feeling edgy, irritated, angry, snappy, moody, etc. I know as a parent I am also navigating as these sensations surface in my body, particularly when I am not filling my own cup first and after spending long days of being “on.”

I wanted to provide a few suggestions, some easy games to play with younger kids for those parents who are ready to pull their hair out, and some things to do for yourself or with your older kids/teenagers to support you during this time.

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community check in-services update

Sara Vatore

Some of you have reached out to ask if I am still seeing clients during this time, as I am also homeschooling my 6 year old. I am thrilled to say YES, I am still holding space for session work!  Right now I am called to shift all my session rates to a sliding scale. This offer is extended to everyone across the board-current clients, past clients who would like more sessions and any new clients. 

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