unleash your talents, your gifts are needed right now
Sara Vatore
When we are on the edge of fully embodying our authenticity in our sacred work, it often brings up FEAR in the body.
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When we are on the edge of fully embodying our authenticity in our sacred work, it often brings up FEAR in the body.
Read MoreEach month for 2024 I pulled an animal energy for us to work with for support. What energy and animal is here to hold and care for us during this challenging time on the planet? June’s energy is: Trust in Divine Detours
Read MoreThe vibe right now is letting go of self sabotage and embodying your truth. It’s time to see beyond the fog.
Read MoreThis past weekend offered me a deep practice in flexibility. To let go of solo plans I felt very attached to and instead navigate some uncontrollables that surfaced.
Read MoreOne of practices I have been working with for years is a concept of WEAVING IN MOMENTS. Read about this practice in this post.
Read MoreEach month for 2024 I pulled an animal energy for us to work with for support. What energy and animal is here to hold and care for us during this challenging time on the planet? May’s Energy is Magic Works Through You.
Read MoreA Special Announcement : New Location for My In-Person Work
Read MoreWhen we are working to shift patterns and behaviors that have been dominating how we show up, heal big emotions from past upsetting experiences, or thaw parts of ourselves stuck in freeze and shutdown, it is essential to remember that THIS TAKES TIME.
Read MoreEach month for 2024 I pulled an animal energy for us to work with for support. What energy and animal is here to hold and care for us during this challenging time on the planet? April’s Energy is Life is a Mystery.
Read MoreThere is an invitation energetically right now, inviting each of us back into a potent connection to our life force energy: our unbridled POWER. It is time to acknowledge and recognize the POWER we have within and to boldly step into our fullest embodied self expression.
Read MoreReconnecting to our body is how we come back into alignment and become more present in our lives.
Read MoreOur thoughts (conscious and unconscious) have a huge impact on how we feel in our bodies.
Read MoreEach month for 2024 I pulled an animal energy for us to work with for support. What energy and animal is here to hold and care for us during this challenging time on the planet? March’s Energy is LOVE IS ALL AROUND.
Read MoreLittle infusions of CELEBRATION and JOY can go a LONG way in supporting our body, mind and emotions to feel lighter and more balanced.
Read MoreYou can’t expect yourself to be operating at your full potential if you’re neglecting or ignoring basic needs.
We have much less capacity to handle what life throws at us, if our body is not being listened to or cared for.
Read MoreEach month for 2024 I pulled an animal energy for us to work with for support. What energy and animal is here to hold and care for us during this challenging time on the planet?
For February the support energy is:
TURTLE: Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Read MoreYour body knows what it needs, it just needs the space to unfurl and express.
Our systems are organically designed to integrate experiences and support our growth and expansion.
Read MoreOur bodies are SO used to us overriding and ignoring what is actually being communicated. They hold onto pain and stuckness when we don’t listen.
What if we could invite in kindness and meet ourselves where we are actually at?
Read MoreClick here to read about January’s energy signature and how to work with the themes of SLOWNESS and RECLAIMING.
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