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i have always been a movement teacher

Sara Vatore

I have always been a movement teacher.

💃🏻From choreographing my sibling and their friends’ Back Street Boys dance for the talent show on our living room’s hearth.

💃🏻To my garage with my friend Nelya White co-creating dances to Madonna's The Immaculate Collection Album.

💃🏻 To assisting tiny tot dance classes at age 13 at New England Dance Quarters with Debbie Shumway.

💃🏻 To teaching my own dance classes in high school.

💃🏻 To finding Nia Technique as an adult and teaching 2-3 times a week for 4 years until the shut down.

There are phases in my life where I forget. Forget that the movement is at the core of everything that makes sense.

The core of the way my system processes/integrates and moves energy and emotion.

With movement you don’t need to know. You don’t need to know what’s wrong, what feels out of sorts. What it all means.

You don’t have to know what emotion you are experiencing or why, or what you think about something.

You get to just let your body do what it wants to do. Move in the ways that it is called, that feel good or needed and allow for the energy to unfurl.

Without explanation.

This opens up and creates more space in the body/energy/emotions/mind/spirit to invite in sensations and intentions that feel more aligned and alive than stuckness, stress, density, etc

Having space to move and integrate creates more capacity for us to hold all the things physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. All the emotions, pieces, layers, experiences, challenges, pains, expansions.

I am SO excited to step back into holding space for in-person movement opportunities.

Join me this Saturday for a POP UP MELT Class, Rebalance and Restore from 5:45-6:45pm at Venture Way Collaborative in Hadley MA.

Stay for a potent evening of movement and join Susan McNamara for JourneyDance at 7pm.

I am so excited to MELT and MOVE with everyone.

MELT tickets are $22-44 pay-what-you-can sliding scale

Receive a $5 off coupon for JourneyDance when you sign up for MELT.

No MELT Method or movement experience required. All MELT materials will be provided for use during the MELT class.

XO Sara 🌀💙

i allow the space to be the healing

Sara Vatore

Sometimes creating the intentional space for our process is ENOUGH. 

No more efforting, forcing, willing transformation. No more taking another course, watching another video, trying to “do” the next new thing to get your system to shift. 

Simply the act of slowing down to take the space needed to allow your body the time to pause, unfurl and express, gets to be the catalyst for the potent alchemization you desire. 

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dearmoring and accessing our unique vibration

Sara Vatore

When we are holding it all together, when we are going about our have-tos and shoulds and taking care of our selves, our families and/or our businesses, there can be a build up of armoring that happens. A going through the motions and getting it done.

We wear masks/play roles and sometimes they stay on, solidifying into our identity, affecting our beingness in the world.

When we take moments here and there to reconnect to our selves, it can be challenging to drop/take off/melt the armor in the allotted time alone.

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commitment to creating space

Sara Vatore

There is a magnetic pull of being with my family. Even when I know I need space. Even when I am maxed out on my capacity. Even when I start to turn into an irritated ball of mess. Even when I desire and crave time alone.

To actually claim the space, to take time away from my family, to GO AWAY from my family, takes a considerable amount of intention, commitment and dedication to follow through.

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